Treasure Hunting Party for Kids

Planning a treasure hunting parties can be a fun and unique way to celebrate your child’s birthday. A boy or a girl will enjoy hunting for buried treasure and you can tailor these plans to fit a party for any age. In addition, if your child wants a pirate themed party, you can incorporate some of these party ideas into your celebration.

Instead of buying boring store bought invitations, get a few supplies out and make your own. When you are planning a treasure hunting party, what is the obvious choice for an invitations? Yes! A treasure map.

To make a treasure map invitation, use brown wrapping paper or if that is not available, you can use brown paper bags. Cut out a piece in the shape of a treaure map. Then you can either use a candle to gently (and very carefully) burn the edges to give it an aged look, or you can tear the edges to make it look old. You can even crumple the paper up to give it creases. Now, print a message such as:

X marks the spot
For a good time and lots of pleasure
Help us to celebrate
And find the hidden treasure!

Then, draw a map and include a large “X”. Add the party specifics, such as the date, time and location.

Party Favors:
The best part of a party is the party favors! With a treasure hunting party, you can get really creative. Think Indiana Jones or pirates. Go to a party supply store and purchase canteens, hats, bandanas, compass, flashlights and even magnifying glasses to give as favors. If you are going for more of a pirate theme, look for pirate hats and eye patches and gold coins.

Now you can really get festive with some creative decorations. If you are inviting small children, you may want to keep it simple with some streamers and a banner. However, with older kids dig out the Halloween skeletons and fake cobwebs. You can place these around where the treasure will be hiding.

Games and Activities:

Scavenger Hunt: This will be a great activity for older kids. Before the party, think of several items that you can hide. If you don’t have a lot of space, consider having this part of the party outside. Or, you can always ask your neighbors if you can hide objects in their yards if you need more space. Divide the teams into two or three groups and give them the list of items that need to be located. The team that finds all the items on the list first, wins. You can have only one item that the team will locate. Do this by hiding clues or puzzles hidden in different areas. The teams would need to use the clues or solve the puzzles to get the next clue.

Treasure Dig: Younger children would enjoy this activity and this is more suited for outside. If you have a large sandbox, hit small objects in the sand. You can use plastic coins, shells, action figures, beaded necklaces and real coins. Provide them with plastic shovels and pails and you will find this will occupy these kids for a long time.

X Marks the Spot: This is played like pin the tail on the donkey. Draw a large map on brown paper and somewhere on the paper draw a large red “x”. Blindfold children and have them place on “x” where they believe the “treasure” is hidden. The child that gets the closest will win.

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