Treat Your Pet’s Urinary Tract Infection

Thought urinary tract infections just happened to humans? Well, think again. Pets can also get the discomforting and irritating condition. If you notice your pet urinating a lot, having a difficult time using the bathroom, or squinting when they do urinate, they may be suffering from a urinary tract infection. To help treat your pet’s urinary tract infection follow these simple steps.

This treatment works for humans and pets. Cranberry and orange juice works to increase the acid in urine and reduces the bacteria build up. These juices help to relieve your pet from the discomfort and pain of urinary tract infections. However, pets don’t take to juices very well so getting your pet to drink juice will be a little tricky. You can try putting the juice in a syringe and putting the syringe in their mouth to give them the juice. This will take forever but you’ll get the juice down. You can also mix it in their foods and see what happens.

Another effective way to treat your pet’s urinary tract infection is to make sure they are drinking lots of water. Lead them to the water bowl often. Drinking water helps flush out the bacteria that builds up causing urinary tract infections. You can also mix their food with water, which will allow them to get more water in their system. Although urinary tract infections can make it painful to urinate, water helps dilute the bacteria and flushing out the bacteria will help clear up the infection.

To help prevent urinary tract infections, be sure your pet urinates often. Don’t let them hold urine, which can make urinary tract infections worse when the bacteria increases. Pets that urinate one or two times a day or more likely to develop urinary tract infections. If your dog stays inside the house, make sure you take them out often to urinate. If you have a cat, make sure the litter box is always near. If your pet stays inside while you are gone throughout the day, they still need to use the bathroom. Either have a neighbor or a relative let your pet outside so they can relieve themselves. Like humans, pets shouldn’t hold urine for long periods of time this can definitely cause a urinary tract infection to occur because bacteria builds up and increases if urine is not released.

Another way to treat and prevent urinary tract infections in your pet is to take them on a walk everyday. Walking and urinating seems to go hand in hand with pets. Most seem to have to take a leak every few yards or so while walking. Taking your pet for a nice 20 minute walk everyday will help them urinate more often. If your pet has a urinary tract infection, try taking them on a couple of 20-minute walks. If you suspect your pet may have a urinary tract infection, be sure to take them to the vet for treatment and follow the directions your vet gives you when giving your pet their medication.

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