Treatment for a Heel Spur

A heel spur sounds like a spike jutting out of the back of one’s heel, almost like a cowboy’s spurs worn for riding. Fortunately, no individual has to worry that the mental image of under the skin spurs may become a reality. A heel spur is in fact a form fan inflammation on the bottom of the foot caused by constant pressure on the arch pushing the ball of the foot and the heel apart from one another. Heel spurs can be caused by the muscle contractions of the foot or by the physical stresses of everyday life on the foot, including number of steps, standing still, etc. Despite the complexity of the condition and the unavoidable act of walking on the injured foot, heel spurs can often heal themselves with minimal treatment.

In order for the body to take control and heal itself from a heel spur, treatment requires the action causing the inflammation be reduced. Common treatments for heel spurs include resting the foot and limiting use. If too much walking causes the heel spur then treatment insists walking must be limited. The body will heal itself if treatment includes taking on no more than the body can handle.

Removing the pressure on the area can also be a treatment for heel spurs. Wearing a shoe with a heel of some sort, like a clog or a wedge, can raise the heel and lessen the strain on the foot.

Stretching, as a treatment, can also help heal the pain of a heel spur. This treatment helps lengthen the muscle in the foot, reducing the strain on the muscle. For calf stretches, sit on the floor with one leg extended forward and the other foot bent and touching the inside knee of the extended leg. Reach forward and grab the toes of the extended leg with the same arm. Pull back gently on the toes making sure the calf stays on the ground. (Otherwise you are hyper extending your knee.) Hold the position and feel the stretch through the calf. You can also stretch the calf be standing against a wall, facing forward, and placing the ball of the foot on the wall and the heel on the ground. Keeping the leg straight and shoulders over the hips, move the hips toward the wall. Hold the position and feel the stretch in the calf. Repeat the treatment daily.

Taping the arch of the foot is another treatment to help heal heel spurs. This treatment method supports the foot and causes less strain on the muscle between the heel and the ball of the foot. Be sure to receive proper instruction on taping the arch to help heel spurs before attempting this treatment.

Wearing a heel cup inside shoes is another treatment to help heal heel spurs. This treatment method supports the heel, raises is and puts the foot at a different angle, again easing the strain on the muscle in the foot with the heel spur.

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