Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings. An individual with bipolar disorder can experience periods of severe depression paired with times of mania, or extreme euphoria. Treatments for bipolar disorder must treat the two extremes of the disorder in order to stabilize the individual.

Individuals with bipolar disorder may receive treatment medically through the use of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, and mood-stabilizing medications; sleep medication and anti-psychotic medications may also be prescribed, if necessary. Only a qualified physician can diagnose and assign treatments for bipolar disorder. In addition to a treatment involving a cocktail of prescriptions, therapy may also be used in treatment of bipolar disorder.

Psychotherapy is a therapy treatment commonly used with individuals with bipolar disorder. It is a treatment that involves talking about the disorder in hopes to understand it as well as talking to identify ways to cope with the disorder. Treatment with psychotherapy can help an individual identify aspects of daily life that add to the disorder and can learn to problem solve in those areas.

Dietary supplements may also be a successful part of bipolar disorder treatment. However, just because supplements are available over-the-counter does not mean they are safe of can be taken by one’s own medical prescription. All treatments should be discussed with a qualified physician. Nature herbal remedies have long been used to treat many ailments, including mental health disorders. SAM-e is a supplement that helps regulate serotonin and dopamine in the body. Both are natural in the body and regulate mood. St. John’s Wart is another supplement often used in treatment of depression.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, found in oily fish, nuts and other proteins, is currently being tested for its positive use in treatments of depression and bipolar disorder.

In severe cases, other, more intrusive therapies, including Electroconvulsive Therapy may be needed as part of successful treatment of bipolar disorder.

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