Trick Your Senses into Believing Your on the Islands This Summer

The mind is a powerful thing. It has the ability to distinguish a certain place by the way it smells. It will bring on memories of grandma’s house when the smell of apple pie is in the air. I have a few ideas on tricking the mind and your senses in believing your on the islands where the sun is hot and the ocean breeze is invitiing. Try a few of these refreshing ideas and wake up to the Islands every morning. I’m going to ask you to close your eyes and picture the white sandy beaches, the lapping of the ocean waves against the shore, the sway of the palm trees saying hello to it’s new visitors. Picture a wonderful hotel suite with all of it’s comforts and then I’d like you to picture colors. What colors do you see in that room. If you’re like me you will see White and turquoise.

White represents peace and purity and the color turquoise represents tranquility. Both colors when combined are a powerful statement to the mind. It says relax, no need to stress. Let’s go room by room until you’re sitting in your perfect tropical haven and sending me a postcard. Let’s first start in the Kitchen. The kitchen is usually the neutral zone in everyones home. This area should be the most colorful. It should also be equipped with lots of tropical fruits that are in season this time of year. Banana’s, pineapples, whole coconuts and mangoes are the most common in the islands. Plastic coconut cups can be found online or at your local party store while you’re there pick up a bag of colorful umbrella straws. You can also chill your coconuts in the freezer for a wonderful treat. Every morning you should treat yourself to a wonderful fruit smoothie with lots of ice. You can not forget flowers. The islands are known for some of the prettiest flowers in the world. You can also find colorful silk hibiscus flowers at a local Wal-mart or arts and craft store. Place a bundle of these colorful flowers on the center of your table and your on your way to forgetting.

Our next room is the bathroom. The bathroom is the easiest room in the house to make over it’s also the quickest.
The theme for this room is ocean blue. It’s fairly easy to find a blue shower curtain with fish on it but try to find dolphin or shark rings and then you may run into a problem. One of the best ways to feel like you’re in the islands is adding a three foot tree by the sink. This creates an automatic tropical feel. A white soap dish and dispenser looks nice as well. Fill a clear bowl with blue seashells and blue colored rocks placing it above your toilet will not only add color but create a calmer atmosphere. You will never have a closer island feel until you hang a wall mountable water fountain. This will quiet your mind every time you take a bath or a shower. If you have a portable radio with cd deck now would be the best time to play your rain forest cd you received as a gift last christmas.

It’s time to venture into the bedroom. Here is where peace and tranquility will meet. Crisp white sheets should cover the bed with a white and turqouise comforter. You need lots of pillows to give the impression that you really are at a hotel. Purchase the largest clear bowl you can find and fill it with turquoise marbles and tea light candles. At night light the candles, the moving candles and the blue marbles will cast the ocean waves on the ceiling. You will be closer to the ocean than you thought. Depending on your area you may be able to find a small round cafe table and folding chair to put beside your window. Add a turquoise throw and you will soon find this is your new favorite room in the house. To top off your new suite you need to add another tall tree beside the bed (Wal-Mart has the best tall artificial plants). Sip a fruit smoothie and sit at your cafe table while you write my postcard. Don’t worry I’ll send you one as soon as I finish bathing in my tropical rain forest.

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