Truck Driving Companies

There are trucking companies that have a constant turnaround of drivers, and these trucking companies should be avoided at all cost. Truckers are leaving these companies for a reason. So, how does a truck driver know which trucking companies are good companies to work for and which trucking companies are bad? The following information will help truck drivers separate good trucking companies from bad trucking companies, and this in turn will help truck drivers find the best truck driving companies to work for where they will be treated fairly and honestly.

Dishonest Trucking Companies

Bad trucking companies often paint pictures that lead truck drivers to believe they are signing on with a good company when in fact they are signing on with a trucking company that’s less than desirable. Many of these trucking companies have dispatchers that force their drivers to run illegal to cover their own interests, and when truck drivers refuse to do so they are told in a roundabout way to either run illegal or clean out their trucks. Although forcing drivers to run when they are out of hours is highly illegal, trucking companies have ways of covering their backsides, and many would rather bulldog their drivers into running illegal than delay delivery of a high-income load. After a driver is caught by D.O.T with an illegal logbook, the trucking companies deny their illegal practices, and the fines and punishments fall upon the drivers who were just trying to hold onto their jobs.

News for Trucking Companies

Even though trucking companies are in desperate need of good truck drivers, trucking companies that don’t live up to their promises will always exist. These trucking companies might as well have revolving doors because truck drivers are signing on and quitting on a regular basis. The fact is, these trucking companies really don’t care. They have recruiters in place whose job it is to hire new truck drivers on a regular basis. The trucking companies have the attitude that there will always be more truck drivers, but guess what trucking companies? The truck drivers also have that attitude! In an industry that desperately needs truck drivers, the truck drivers actually have the upper hand over trucking companies.

Screening Truck Driving Companies

The problem many truck drivers face is how to tell the good trucking companies from the bad trucking companies. Truck drivers aren’t half-witted individuals who believe everything they hear, but truck drivers expect truck driving companies to live up to their promises and respect their drivers. Truck drivers without a job are sometimes too quick to sign on with a new company, and they are unaware of the warning signs that clearly tell them to keep on looking. When truck drivers are screening trucking companies while considering employment, there are questions to ask, warning signs to look out for, and a number of steps to take before accepting a new truck driving job.

Take Your Time

The biggest mistake truck drivers make when switching truck driving companies is moving too fast. Don’t be in a hurry to sign on with a new company. Research the company, and whenever possible, talk to other drivers to find out how they feel about the company. Other drivers are always the best source of information regarding truck driving companies. Accepting a new truck driving job too quickly may get you more than you bargained for, and you may find you’ve made a big mistake.

Big Red Flags

The big red flags you need to watch for are not necessarily the ones on the back of a flatbed truck. These big red flags are those you see when looking for a new truck driving job. If you’ve found a potential truck driving job through a printed ad, keep the ad along with any other information on the company. Compare what the ad offers with what you’ve been told on the phone, and ultimately with what you hear in person. If the information doesn’t match up, walk away from this trucking company before accepting a truck driving job. Chances are the trucking company is telling you what you want to hear in order to get you to sign on. Many trucking companies have the attitude that once they get you to orientation you are stuck.

Ask Questions

Make a list of needs and expectations before talking to a recruiter or trucking company representative. This list should include specific questions when considering employment with a new trucking company, and the answers to these questions should be taken into serious consideration while looking for a new truck driving job. Also, speak to more than one recruiter within the same company. This will help you determine if the trucking company is providing honest and accurate information to potential drivers.

Ask very specific questions regarding pay. Don’t make the mistake of assuming you will be paid according to the ad that brought you to the trucking company in the first place. You might get to orientation and find out the trucking company has shaved off a cent or two on mileage pay. Take names, write down all information, and don’t assume anything.

When looking for a new truck driving job, it’s also important to remember to ask questions regarding home time, equipment, rider policies, insurance, and orientation pay. Keep the completed list, and take it to orientation so you have something to refer to. If the information doesn’t add up, seriously consider looking for a job with another trucking company. Don’t feel you have to stay with a particular truck driving company because you made it to orientation. There are many good trucking companies out there, and by asking questions and weeding out the bad companies, you will eventually find a trucking company that doesn’t have revolving doors.

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