Truly Ingenious Uses for Dried Up Baby Wipes!

Throughout my years of raising four children, I have on more than one occasion left baby wipes out only to return later and find them dried and useless. After rewetting them and returning the lot to their container, I began to ponder other uses for dried baby wipes. By the time, my twins reached the potty training age I had accumulated quite a few tried and true uses for these wipes.


Large reclosable bags

Three tubs of baby wipes

Various cleaners

Air freshening oils

Black permanent marker

Stapler or paperclips

You must begin by drying all of the wipes overnight or longer depending on the level of moisture in your brand. (Remember it is perfectly fine to use a store brand for this project.) To do this, I separate each tub into three stacks and leave them out on the kitchen counter overnight. Once they are dry, you are ready to get creative.


Place desired amount of wipes into a reclosable bag. Pour in enough window cleaner to saturate the wipes. Mark the bag with what you have inside so no one will be confused. You are now ready to shine every window and mirror in the house.


As with the previous use, place wipes into a reclosable bag and pour in enough antibacterial cleanser to saturate the wipes. Mark the bag with what is inside. You now have disinfectant wipes for anywhere in the house.


Gather just enough wipes to place one in each of your drawers. Then, fold one wipe until it is approximately a one-inch square. Secure the square with a staple or paper clip. Place the wipe into a corner of the drawer. Drop two to three drops of scented oil onto the wipe and shut the drawer. All of the clothes in the drawer will pick up the scent easily. When the scent diminishes just add a few more drops of oil and viola, refreshed!


Both traditional wash clothes and shower sponges trap and hold germs and bacteria, not to mention the sponges we wash our dishes with. Eliminate these dirty choices and use the dried baby wipes as disposable wash clothes. After each shower or sink of (now) clean dishes, simply toss the wipe in the trash and germs are gone.


It is really thanks to my husband I found this use. Baby wipes are perfect buffers for those shiny shoes in your closet. Whether the shoes are real leather or the patent type, the gentle material made to protect a baby’s bottom will buff your shoes to a perfect, gleaming shine every time.


Instead of list each of these uses separately, I decided to lump them into one category. If you want to polish the silverware or the dining table, clean the ceiling fan or floor, you will find the perfect use for a baby wipe. Simply spray the cleaner you are using on the cloth-like wipe and clean away.

Having children sometimes drives you insane, but, at other times, it may just drive you to great ideas.

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