Truths of the Astrological Chart

An astrological chart can be a wonderful tool, a marvelous means of gaining insight into who we are as a person. Reading the astrological chart and having it interpreted correctly is the only way to be able to use this tool effectively.
Many people think that their “sun sign” is the only important sign to know and little do they realize that it is a mere piece of the astrological pie, so to speak. We are complex beings, made up of all the elements and it is important to combine all of them in order to truly function at the level of which we are capable. The world around us needs a combination of things to ensure the continuation of life and we are exactly the same. If you over water a plant you can kill it. Too much or too little fresh air and sunlight may or may not damage the plant. We are just another expression of nature, except that we have arms and legs.
Here’s an example for you. A young lady has her sun in Taurus, her Moon and her Venus in Aries and her ascendant (or rising sign) in Libra. We’ll go one further and say that all these planets fall into her seventh house.
Can you imagine what this young lady’s Achilles heel might be? What her downfall and her soft spot are?
The answer is love. The reason being that her Moon (who she is on the inside, her deepest darkest self) is in Aries, a fiery passionate sign prone to impulse. Her Venus is also in Aries and her rising sign Libra (the ultimate lover here). They are all in or near enough to the seventh house which rules love and partners, to just about control every aspect of her being until she has been properly ‘broken in’ just like you would a wild horse. She has great, harsh lessons to learn in her life about love. She will, no doubt while she is younger and more resilient (at least in her mind) fall ‘in love’ fifty times a day and for each moment give it her absolute all. With each ‘heartbreak’ she will feel it intensely, each loss keened after as though each one were the last of the great hopes for her to know and keep true love. It is what drives her until she has no where left to go and all the roads have been exhausted.
Only once all the roads that she has tried so willingly, so bravely to run on and gallop and scamper and frolic, have closed, will the true path open up for her. Her ultimate need is to find someone she can be ‘herself’ with.
Such is the nature and the lessons contained within our charts. Each chart is different, as completely unique and an experience unto itself as is the person whom it represents. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to learn all sides of who we are and conquer the demons that force us to run from ourselves. Once we recognize our weaknesses we can overcome them and they have no more power over us. This is the challenge our charts represent to us.
It can absolutely be done. I have seen and read charts where the person saw what they needed to do and they went through the necessary changes and came out whole on the other side of the fence. All the pieces of that pie then begin to work for them instead of against them and they are no longer held back.
I have seen just the opposite. One chart was a distinctive one to be sure. This woman had so much Leo in her chart (Sun, Moon, Venus, Rising just to name the four biggies) that in truth and fact it all worked against her. She thought she knew everything. That of itself is not a bad thing. But all the Leo made her a very feisty customer indeed. It was bad enough that she thought she knew everything but she also thought there was nothing else she needed to learn. That is where the problem came in. She would get stuck all the time in her own self created drama just because she hated to be proven ‘wrong’ about anything.
Make it a point at least once in your life (preferably three times realistically) to have your chart done and analyzed by a reputable astrologer. The reason I say three is because we have certain ‘rites of passage’ during our life span where great changes occur. A chart, when well read and explained to you in a concise manner, can be of great benefit during these times where you may not know what exactly is making you crazy you just know something needs to change. Odds are you may find out that Saturn, the planet ruling responsibility and change may be square to your Moon sign. This can and will make you need to follow your muse wherever she may want to lead you. At least you will have a road map of your soul while you are on your way.