Tulsa Utility and Oklahoma Natural Gas Are Rediculous!

Once I noticed the problem I called ONG to see what they were going to do about this. They told me that I must first have Tulsa Utilities come out and verify the damage. So I hang up with ONG and I call Tulsa Utilities. They tell me that it is probably just a meter leak, and that they will have someone come out as soon as possible. I figured, “Ok it should just be a couple of days.” Well those couple of days turns into a week. So I call them back and rehash out the problem to them and they tell me that they are having a large amount of problems and that it will probably take about 7-10 days. Well first of all this is ridiculous because I have already waited the week and nothing has happened. Well I hung up pretty frustrated and figured that I would give it to the 10 day marker. This time passes and I still have not seen or heard anything from them. Water is still POURING out of my main water line, wasting the city’s water! So I call again and rehash the story AGAIN, and they tell me that they are still having delays and that it could be even longer. I tried to get a date from the “customer service” representative, but he could not offer that to me, so I just had to play the waiting game.
ONE WHOLE MONTH went by, and nothing has happened. Not a call, not an e-mail, not a truck in my front yard to fix the problem. So I call them back and let them know this and the lady on the other line says that she will send someone out. Great probably another 7 – million days. So I asked when I should expect this person. She replied something that was like angels singing an anthem of praise. She said “Right Now”! WHAT?! I guess they got a lot of their problems fixed except they forgot about mine, or they realized how HORRIBLE it is to make a person live with water pouring out of their yard for one entire month. In about an hour, I heard a knock at my door. It was a man in a Tulsa Utilities jumpsuit by the name of JP. JP was a very nice and friendly black man, but the news that he had to deliver to me was what I had already known. He said “Your Main Water Line is busted!” He did tell me though that now that he had come out that this was on public record and that now I should call ONG and they should send someone out and fix the problem. Great! Let’s call ONG!
I pick up my cell phone and dial the number. I am telling a lady named Jennifer my problem hopefully for the last time. She basically tells me that no one is going to come out and fix this problem. I tell her yes you are and I need to speak to someone who can actually help me. She tells me that she will connect with me someone in Operations. After being on hold for about five minutes, but what seems like an eternity, I hear the same voice come back on the line. Yes, it is still Jennifer and she tells me that there is no one in operations right now and they will have to give me a call back. I ask when can I expect this call, and she tells me that she does not know, but that she will give the message with urgency. I thank her and will now play some more of the waiting game.
A few days go by, and I have NOT received any calls, so I decide to get back on the horn and try again. This time I get a guy on the phone by the name of Andy. I rehash the story again for the fifth time, and he actually seems genuinely concerned. He tells me that I need to be connected with operations and I told him that that is what Jennifer told me last time. He puts me on hold and I am praying to hear another voice on the other line. He tells me that they are not in right now. I’m starting to wonder if there even is an Operations department at ONG. He does give me a sigh of relief when he tells me that Wayne from Operations will be contacting me TODAY! WOO HOO! He tells me that they need to get some paperwork straight on when the work was done and to check the records from the guy who sold the house to me. I say great and I thank Andy for his time and he tells me that “We will get this problem sorted out for you!” This guy is good, but unfortunately I am still waiting on Wayne’s call that I was promised on Friday. It is now Monday as I write this, and I still have not heard anything.
I have decided to write this article to hopefully get the word out about how HORRIBLE this is! I have e-mailed the local news station Fox 23 News because they have a Problem Solvers section of their news program which will hopefully be able to help me. I even considered videoing the damage and sending it to them so that they don’t have to go through all of the trouble creating the segment. I will do it for them, if they wish. Please leave me a comment if you have any ideas on how I can fix this problem.