Turn Old Margarine Tubs into Baskets

First choose a fabric. I like to use flower or plaid prints. I also like to use a fabric that won’t fray when cut. If you will be using a fabric that frays, and do not want to have to finish the edges, use a pair of pinking shears while cutting the fabric. Measure your container from the top of one side down, across the bottom and up the other side and add 3 inches. This will be the diameter of the cirle you will cut out. Once you have cut out the circle, fold it in half and cut about one inch scallops along the open side. If using the pinking shears, this step will be unnecessary. Now measure a piece of ribbon to fit around the top one and a half times to two times.
Place your tub in the middle of your circle and bring it up all the sides. It should have about a 1 1/2 inch overhang for the ruffle. Using you hole punch, make holes through the fabric and tub, Just below the lip about an inch apart going all around the tub. Now starting on one side, weave your ribbon in and out of the holes around the tub until you are back where you started. . Now tie a knot and then a bow with the excess ribbon. Trim to your liking.
To make your handle, cut a piece of cardboard to a width proportionate to your tub, and 2x the length of the height you would like it to be. Cut your fabric so that it will cover the cardboard. Now either glue the fabric around the cardboard. If you prefer, you can use an iron to attach the fabric with hem tape to the card board. Use your hole punch and make a hole at each end. Now attach each end of the handle to the inside on tub on opposite sides, using your paper fasteners.
Now you have a beautiful basket to put your favorite plant in, or fill with a theme for gift giving. Bridal showers, baby showers, bath products and even welcome to the neighborhood baskets filled with muffins or cookies, are just some of the ideas for these baskets. Use your imagination and let me know what you come up with.