Turn Ordinary Cakes into Delicacies in an Instant

A cake mix is a buck or so, but with a simple ingredient change or addition, you can make it into an expensive-tasting cake that will be the envy of all your friends. Whether it’s a white cake mix, yellow, or chocolate, you can replace an ingredient to make the most fabulous cakes in town.

One secret to making these fantastic cakes is to exchange the required water for juice or other liquids. Use lemonade instead of water in a white cake mix to make a delicious lemon treat. Put a couple of drops of lemon extract in the icing, top with some lemon slices, and you suddenly have a delicacy you won’t even find in most bakeries.

Use orange juice in a white or yellow cake, instead of water, and you won’t believe your taste buds! Make the best pineapple upside-down cake by using pineapple juice instead of the water. Add some cherry juice, instead, and it will become a family favorite with one bite.

Use any tropical fruit punch, with a white cake mix, for a tutti-fruity cake that you’ll never find in a store. Put any color of food coloring in the icing then sprinkle with Skittles or another colorful candy.

Most cakes require the same ingredients: eggs, oil and water. But the cake will cook just the same with other liquids instead of water. And, by replacing the water with another liquid, you open up a whole new world of cake-making. Make sure that you use do not use more replacement liquid than what is required for the water.

Buy a chocolate cake mix, add peppermint extract, and change the cake from plain chocolate to a delight that is indescribable. Add a drop or two of the extract in the icing as well. Top the cake with peppermint patty bits. Or simply add some cinnamon to the recipe, instead of peppermint, and some cinnamon sprinkles on top.

There are lots of simple ingredient changes or additions that you can use to make a different cake for every occasion. Look around at the grocery store to see their selection of juice and punch. Try orange-banana, pineapple-orange, banana-cherry, and other mixtures. The juices can be either the frozen kind or ready-to-drink. For that matter, they can be powdered drink mixes, too. With that in mind, you can substitute the water for any Kool-Aid flavor, giving you many from which to choose.

Other ways to change the flavor of a cake is to simply add a few drops of extract, like lemon, almond, walnut, or another flavor. Look at the store to see the various extracts that can help you make another irresistible cake for your family or friends.

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