Turn Your Trash into the Treasure of People Who Aren’t You with EBay and Craigslist

So you got a lot of crap in your basement? Hell, who doesn’t? To be honest, the shit in my basement would probably land me in jail in about 37 states, but that’s another story all together. And how ’bout that garage, huh, how’s that looking? Perhaps a little cluttered? I thought so. Just know this: you’re not alone. Do you ever wake up and feel that all the random stuff in your life is smothering you? Do you feel like Steve McQueen in “The Blob”?

Well fret no longer; you’re friend Jetlag Democracy is here to take you on a voyage of redemption. You’re only a few steps, and a digital camera away, from making a few bucks and organizing your life. It’s easy; I did it. Please, let me show you how.

Okay, right off the bat, you’re biggest tool in this endeavor is going to be a digital camera. You could do it with a regular old camera, but then you’re also going to need access to a scanner and it will probably just turn out to be a huge hassle (more than it’s worth). If you already have a digital camera, don’t worry about it; you’re set, hang tight good buddy. If you’re on the fence, perhaps a little anxious over the price of one, calm down, just know this: you will make so much money following my plan that you will have enough cash to buy seven digital cameras*.


Take a day or two (hell, take a week or a month if you need it) and organize all the stuff you don’t want. This stuff I’m talking about could be anything: a cup, a bike, board games, wood, T-shirts, pets, cigar boxes, lampshades, WHATEVER. Anything you don’t use that is taking up space could potentially apply. Never underestimate the buying power fo cyberspace. Organize the hell out of this stuff and while you’re doing this, start to think about a backdrop for picture taking.


For this step you’re going to need a good backdrop; the simpler, the better. The best backdrop is a white wall with no distractions, in the corner of a room. Take two pictures of every item. Make sure you get different angles of the “thing” while you’re at it. Name all the digital shots (that’s important). It’s going to make it a whole lot easier later.


Once you’ve got the pictures taken you’re going to need to upload them on your computer. This is easy, but you might want to do steps #2 and #3 at the same time. By that I mean this: take some pictures and then upload, then take a few more and upload. Rinse, lather, repeat.


This is a good way to gauge what people are willing to pay for your products (before you put them up for auction on EBay). Post your items at Craiglist.org without a price tag. It is a completely anonymous service and you don’t even have to get back to the people who respond (if you don’t want to). Obviously, if someone wants your stuff for a reasonable and fair amount, then proceed with the sale. Either way, record all this information and proceed to step #5.


This is simple and it takes just a few seconds. Once you’ve got an EBay account, start setting up your auctions. Use the price information you gathered at Craigslist to gauge your starting and winning figures, sit back and relax. It’s that easy.

*It should be noted that Jetlag Democracy doesn’t actually advocate anything and that, in spite of that sentiment, this article has nothing to do with the fact that he is a nihilist. If you do anything that Jetlag Democracy says you are probably really dumb. With that said, using Craigslist and EBay to make money does work, so long as your “stuff” isn’t ALL worthless junk that nobody wants.

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