Turning Housework into Exercise

Housework is a lot of, well, work. Why not make housework work for you by turning it into a a real work out. Yes, that all sounds like a lot of work.
The housework needs to get done, and you need to find some time in the day for physical activity, so why not combine them? It is efficient, effective, the house will be cleaner, and you can feel good about getting some physical activity into your day.
In addition to doing two things at once, you can also have fun while you’re at it.
Steps to Turning Housework into Exercise
1. Stock the Cleaning Supplies
When you want to turn housework into exercise you don’t want to have to go out first for cleaning supplies (see number 2). Make sure you have enough papertowels, floor cleaner, window cleaner, dusting spray, and bathroom cleaners.
2. Do not Shower First
If you’re like me, once you shower you don’t exactly want to get sweaty or dirty with housework or exercise. You won’t be leaving the house anyway, to do either task, so why get clean first?
Clean the house in the morning, before you shower. Do it during the week on a day off or on the weekend, when you have some time alone in the house.
Shower after the housework exercise session.
3. Wear Comfortable Clothing
Wear comfortable clothing that is neither too tight or too loose. Clothing for the cleaning house work out should allow freedom of movement, and not be your Sunday best. Wear something that you’re not afraid to get dirty or sweaty.
If your cleaning involves moving furniture to clean under or behind, be sure to wear sneakers or other shoes that will protect your feet.
4. Play some Loud Music
When you are the only one home, or you have children who may help with the housework exercise fun, go ahead and play some favorite music and blast that stereo. If someone else is home, or you have little ones that are napping, use some headphones to listen to your favorite dance tunes.
5. Put your Muscle into the Housework
Turn the dusting and the cleaning into an aerobic dance routine. Have fun moving to the music as you clean. Really work your arms and torso as you vacuum, sweep and mop.
By turning house cleaning time into a work out, you will feel good about both. The challenge of combining the two will also take away any boredom from the two tasks that can occur when done separately.