Turnkey Websites and Pre-Installed Scripts

Do you want to set up your own company online immediately? Why not try turnkey websites? These contain pre-installed scripts for order forms, shopping carts, products, descriptions, prices, etc. For some of them you must have your own products which you purchase from wholesalers and then resell, for others, such as Downlinemall or Mallking or Spreadshirt, the products are already included in the store, and you only have to sign up for their affiliate programs. You get your own website, etc. For some, such as Cafepress.com there are generic products, such as T-shirts, mugs, hats, etc. on which you put your own company designs and logos. Some of the companies, such as vstore.ca, allow you to name your own store, others do not.

Some of these turnkey websites, such as vstore.ca are free, for others you pay a hosting fee and/or set up fee. The following charges a set-up fee:


For Turnkeypros.com you order turnkey store in different categories, e.g. Financial, Real Estate, Auction, Career Center, Ebooks, Webtools, Banner Exchange, Clickbank, Recipe, Travel, Paid to Click etc.

Another turnkey website is:

http://www.ebizcraftsman.com/turnkey.htm There is a $19.95 set up fee and there are 100’s of turnkey websites to for online entrepreneurs.

Other turnkey stores:


The Bargain Store
Other websites to research are:


These are but a few of the turnkey websites and turnkey website resources. You can find others via various search engines, using the keywords “turnkey companies,” “turnkey websites,” and/or “free online stores.”

Of course signing up for these turnkey companies does not guarantee sales, but they give you the opportunity to go online immediately or almost immediately as an internet-based or web-based entrepreneur. Even for the turnkey companies that charge a set-up or hosting fee, this is nevertheless easier and lower-cost than business start-up offline. Some of them, especially those that charge a fee help with web traffic, others do not. If your turnkey website accepts paypal, and you have a paypal account, then you can also list your company free with the paypal shops, which also helps with marketing and web traffic.

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