Twenty Mule Team Borax

Twenty Mule Team Borax. Isn’t that the stuff your mom and possibily your grandmother used to clean clothes? And yep it was. Twenty Mule Team Borax can be found in the laundry section of your grocery or discount store. It has multiple uses including laundry detergent, water softener, a deodorizer and a scrub for multiple surfaces in your home. It’s very cheap and you can use it just about everywhere.

Of course, there are some places you shouldn’t use Twenty Mule Team Borax such as on wood products, or products that might be scratched easily so double check the box’s instructions or test in an inconspicuous spot.

What is Borax?

Borax is a natural occurring mineral made up of sodium, boron, oxygen and water. The Twenty Mule Team Borax isn’t harmful to plumbing, so don’t hold back when using this wonderful product.

Uses of Twenty Mule Team Borax

Tub and Shower

Twenty Mule Team Borax is great for getting soap scum and hard water stains off your tub and shower tiles. It does work better with warm water. Simply apply it to a sponge dampened with warm water and scrub away those stains.


Twenty Mule Team Borax is great for pre-treating stains. Add one tablespoon per gallon of water and let soak for half an hour before washing. You can also use it as a laundry booster for those extra dirty loads of kids’ clothes. It also works great on clothes that have to be hand-washed. Simply dissolve Ã?Â?Ã?¼ cup of boras and two tablespoons of detergent into warm water. Soak your delicates and rinse them out in cool water.


Twenty Mule Team Borax removes stains from rugs very easily. Simply rub it in and rinse with water.


Sprinkle Twenty Mule Team Borax at the bottom of garbage pails to help absorb smells. Add it into your toilet to absorb smells and deodorize.

Advantages of Twenty Mule Team Borax

Twenty Meal Team Borax is cheap. A small box is only a few dollars.

It’s multipurpose. This little box can be used in a multitude of ways.

It actually works. Unlike many cleaning products, Twenty Mule Team Borax actually works with minimal scrubbing.

No harmful fumes. Using Twenty Mule Team Borax will not make your house smell like you’ve been cleaning all day. You can use it in a closed bathroom without worrying about the fumes that are building up.

Disadvantages of Twenty Mule Team Borax

It you don’t rinse it thoroughly away, it tends to leave a rough film on whatever you were cleaning.

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