Twins Shopping Guide: Must Haves and Don’t Bothers

Let me tell you a secret. Having twins doesn’t mean having two of everything. Stop, go back and read that again. Absorb that concept. It’s going to save you a lot of money. From my own experience I can tell you that two of everything just means more stuff to take care of, shove in a closet, or send to the local thrift store. Let me be your guide as I give you the scoop on 15 baby items, showing you what to buy and, most importantly, what not to double up on.

1. Onesies, Blankets, Sleepers, and More

The basics, like onesies, receiving blankets, sleepers, and diapers will need to be bought in slightly larger quantities than if you were having one child. Some of these items, however, can do double duty. For onesies, blankets, and sleepers, try to stay away from pink and blue if you are having fraternal twins. By purchasing neutral colors, your twins will be able to share these items and your wallet won’t feel as much of a crunch.

2. Infant Car Seats

These are a definite double. Each baby will need its own comfortable, and safe, place to ride in the car. Be sure to buy the appropriate type and check that both seats are properly installed before bringing the babies home.

3. First Aid Kit

One will do. It should include basic first aid items, along with a thermometer, bulb syringe, infant’s Tylenol, and syrup of ipecac.

4. Diaper Bag

One is enough, but make sure it’s big enough to hold double the diapers and other supplies. Extra pockets for credit cards and i.d. are nice to have too. You’ll want to carry as little else with you as possible, especially if you are taking the twins out alone.

5. Bottles

The normal 6 – 8 should do. You may have to re-fill more often, but you’ll have less washing to do. Playtex Ventaires are easier to hold than traditional bottles, and their unique design prevents infants from getting cramps and spitting up. Be sure grandparents or other care-givers have spares on hand, which will save you from carrying too many extras along.

6. Cribs

One will be enough in the beginning, but you will want to add a second one when the twins need more space. Until then, you will want to use a foam crib divider, such as the Leachco Crib Spacer. It’s basically a foam block with a washable cover and Velcro straps. Place it in the center of the crib, and voila, you have two separate sleeping spaces. It even has places to attach crib toys!

7. Changing Table

I recommend the Rail Rider by Burlington Baby. It’s a changing table that can actually be placed over the crib rails and used in the center of the crib. It can be hung from the outside of the crib when not in use and has straps for securing your baby while changing. It’s a space saver and you don’t have to leave one twin in the crib alone while changing the other one.

8. Stroller

Go with a tandem (front and back) style stroller, rather than a side by side. Tandem strollers are much easier to get in and out of door ways and to navigate in busy shopping centers. The Duoglider Travel System by Graco is a great choice. Both the front and back seats will accommodate the Graco SnugRide(TM) infant car seat, making transfers from car to stroller a breeze. Graco thought of adults too, by including a parent tray, complete with cup holder and key compartment.

9. Play Pen

One playpen will hold your twins securely for quite a while, although the popular Pack N Play’s most likely will not be an option due to size. You will want to upgrade to a bigger play yard once the twins are ready to be more active. The North States Industries Superyard XT is a good choice when the twins have outgrown their playpen. The base unit gives your twins 18 Ã?½ square feet of play area and extension kits are available.

10. Infant Bouncer Seats and Swings

You definitely want two of these. They are a true life saver when your twins need that calm rocking motion while you catch up on the laundry! At less than forty dollars, the Baby Connection Open Top Swing is affordable for buying double and operates on just two C batteries.

11. Baby Carriers

If you really need a baby carrier for your twins, the MaxiMom Baby Carrier for Twins and Triplets is the one to buy. Not only does it hold 2 infants at once, but it is loaded with other options to make life easier. For instance, unlike most carriers, when you want to put your twins down, you simply unclip their harness from your belt and sit them down, instead of dismantling the entire system.

12. Baby Bath Tub

One infant tub is enough since you will most likely want to bathe your twins one at a time. Do buy extra towels and wash cloths so that you have plenty on hand without having to run to the laundry.

13. Baby Books

This is the perfect time to start treating your twins as individuals! Buy separate books and be sure to take portraits of the twins together and individually. Try to get into the habit now of recognizing your twins as their own separate person. They’ll thank you for it later

14. High Chairs

Get two highchairs, and to save money, try to find one that will adapt to your growing twins. The Harmony by Graco has 6 height adjustments, 4 reclining positions, and a 5 point safety harness. It can be pulled up to the table so that your twins can join the family for dinner.

15. Mobiles

The Symphony in Motion Mobile with Remote Control is enough to keep both your little ones smiling. The remote controlled mobile will play fifteen minutes of Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. And when the music is done, a simple push of a button on the remote control starts it back up again – no need to go into the nursery and disturb the twins.

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