Two Plans to Take the Dread Out of Cleaning Your Home

A Plan Of Attack
You start by signing up to join a class that consists of about 20 members. The class starts the first Monday of the month and lasts for 3 weeks. There are no classes in the month of December. Monday through Thursday you receive an email with a new assignment. You are strongly encouraged to communicate with the rest of the group and the moderators to let them know your progress. Your first week will be spent getting to know the group and completing assignments to declutter your house. Your second week is spent making a “PlanBook” which is a schedule you create and customize for cleaning your home. The third week is spent getting familiar with your new schedule.
After completing the three week course, there are two other sister groups that you can join to help maintain keeping your home clean. AplanOfAttack is a group that focuses on one room a week and the members of the group, as well as the moderators provided you with helpful hints and encouragement. The other group is ClutterBustinBuddies, and is designed for 30 to 60 minute challenges with other members who are online and helps getting basic decluttering done in your home.
Flylady encourages you to get off you “Franny” and get dressed to your shoes every morning. You work at your own pace developing routines and decluttering your home with positive encouragement along the way from Flylady and the rest of the crew everyday via email. You will also receive testimonial letters written by other members and you are encouraged to submit your own testimonial letters to Flylady.
When you join, you can choose to receive several emails a day or one email that has all the emails that were sent that day. If you receive the emails one at a time, they come at different times of the day as reminders to get dressed to your shoes, put in a load of laundry, check your calendar, shine your sink, and many other things that help you keep a handle on things running smoothly not only in your home, but your life. In addition to all of this, during the holidays you get special emails that help you get your house ready for company and plan getting your holiday meal prepared, cooked and served.
Flylady also offers several products and books that help you organize and clean such as a feather dusters, sink stoppers, timers and control journals. The website will help you create your own control journal instead of buying one. She also offers several books that deal with housecleaning, as well as planning meals for your family. There is also loads of information on organizing your finances, getting healthy through getting rid of body clutter and even your relationship with your husband.
Both of these programs encourage you to customize them to fit your own needs and home. A Plan Of Attack offers the one on one encouragement you may need while Flylady offers you the opportunity to take it at your own pace. Each of them help get the final result you desire, an organized, decluttered and clean home that can be maintained through routines and schedules.