Two Tourist Attractions of Japan: Yasukuni Shrine & Imperial Palace

The most memorable aspects of the Yasukuni shrine were the large pillars which stand in front of the main building. These pillars seem to be common to shrines in Japan and although their architecture is simplistic they are quite beautiful and give an overall tranquil feeling to the shrine. The museum which was located close to the shrine itself had some very interesting exhibits. Within the museum was an actual Japanese fighter plane as well as cannons used during the war, which were amazing to see close up. Reading about them or seeing pictures in books can not equal seeing these pieces of machinery in person. The Japanese commemorate their war heroes by building shrines which incorporate an aspect of their culture and religion, whereas in the United States monuments or statues are built to venerate our soldiers. The Yasukuni Shrine is a memorial to those who died for the emperor, and a sign of nationalism. Until recently would not have really have a counter-part in the United States; since it was only in the past few years that a World War II memorial was constructed in Washington D.C.

However, in comparison to the Vietnam Memorial it is more elaborate visually, however it does not have the same sense of personality. The Vietnam Memorial is so specific and gives recognition to each and every individual clearly. There is a book of souls at the Yasakuni Shrine which lists the names of the individuals lost in World War II but is not as publicly displayed. In some sense however the monuments are similar as both the Yasukuni Shrine and Vietnam Memorial have quite a bit of controversy surrounding them.

Close to the Yasakuni Shrine is the Imperial Palace, however it is off limits to the general public, and the Emperor does not often make public appearances. Even so, there is a garden which is adjacent to the palace which has become a popular tourist spot which many people have begun to visit. The attractions of the garden include with many visual pleasures such as waterfalls and rock gardens. It is odd that the Japanese completely close off their palace to any visitors. In America certain sections of the White House are open to the public at certain times which is at least somewhat more welcoming to tourists and visitors. The palace is also built in the traditional Japanese style architecture which is quite different than the White House which uses basically Greek/Roman architecture. This is a subtle difference compared to the fact that the Emperor who is not even in charge of the country owns the entire imperial estate. The president does not own the White House as elections are held every four years. Nonetheless, the Yasakuni Shrine and the Imperial Palace are essential tourist sights when visiting Japan for the first time.

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