Two Ways to Earn an Extra $350 a Month

You’re not afraid of needles are you? There aren’t too many places that will pay you to donate blood anymore. However, there are plenty of clinics around everyone’s local area that will pay you to donate plasma. I live in Bay City, Michigan, and there’s a clinic called Talecris Plasma Resources in Saginaw, about ten minutes away. Talecris Plasma Resources also has more locations around the U.S. You’re only allowed to donate two times per seven day period. They’ll pay you $35 for your first donation of the week and $25 for the second. If you donate your plasma twice a week, every week, you’ll earn $240 a month! I’m sure every place you go to will be a little different as far as how much they’ll pay you, but on average, you’ll earn at least an extra $200 a month this way. Just do a Google or Yahoo search on donating plasma in your local area and you’ll be able to find the nearest clinic near you.
Postloop is a marketplace and exchange for forum owners and content writers. It gives forum owners exposure and more posts to their forums. For content writers, it gives them money for posting and commenting on forums. On average you’ll earn 5 cents per post. All you have to do is sign up at their website and make 10 trial posts at The Postloop Portal. As long as they’re a couple sentences long and decent in grammar they’ll get accepted. Once you get accepted, you just register to forums on their website and start posting away. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot of money, but if you can put in an hour a day, you can easily earn $5 a day there. That’s an extra $150 a month!
I’ve read so many articles and posts on the internet about making extra money. Most of them have crazy ways of earning like take in a roommate, start a dog walking company, or get a part time job. If an extra part time job was really that easy to get then people wouldn’t be looking for ways to make extra money. If you have a car and a computer, you can use the two ways I just showed you as soon as you’re done reading this article. So there you have it, those are two simple ways how to earn an extra $350 a month.
Current plasma donator and Postloop user.