Type 1 Diabetic’s Daily Schedule: Insulin Injections, Blood Tests and Controlled Diet

Contrary to popular opinion Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes strikes young people of all sizes. In fact Olympic swimmers, runners, and some surprising celebrities suffer from the disease.

Unlike most diseases, JD is not a disease that can be managed with a pill. Diabetics of this sort keep a strict daily routine that is vital to their survival.

The basic schedule for a diabetic looks something like this:

Morning blood test upon waking- a pin prick to a finger or forearm to draw blood for a sugar level test and if a high reading occurs, a ketone test which consists of urinating on a test strip.

Breakfast in which quantities are measured and carbohydrates counted to measure insulin for injection.

Injection #1

Mid morning snack if feeling light-headed, headachy, or overtly cranky

Pre-lunch blood test-again a small amount of blood is drawn and entered into a machine that tests for sugar levels.

Lunch-again carbohydrates are counted and entered into a log unless the diabetic has an advanced blood test machine in which records can be uploaded.

Injection #2

Post lunch snack if warranted. Throughout the day exercise levels are taken into account when deciding to eat or inject more insulin.

Pre-dinner blood test

Dinner following above procedure

Injection #3

Bed time blood test and bedtime snack if warranted

Injection #4 is often a different form of insulin to keep night-time “fasting” blood sugar level on an even plane.

Sleep often interrupted by a night blood test if levels have been unpredictable.

Until a cure is found active Type 1 diabetics will continue to lead a complicated life.

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