Unclog Drains Without Harming Pipes

How to unclog a drain or toilet without damaging the pipes depends on what’s causing the clog. If a foreign object such as a toy is trapped in the pipe, more than likely, you won’t get it out with a plunger and certainly not with a drain cleaner. But the typical clogged drain is usually full of hair, soap and sludge.

One of the most common mistakes people make when they have a clogged drain is to press continuously up and down on the plunger, which actually isn’t very effective. The best way to maximize the suction action of a plunger is to plunge slowly about three times, then yank it straight up. The act of slowly plunging rocks the clog and the sudden yank can completely dislodge it. If success wasn’t achieved on the first attempt, try again.

Hair and soap sludge is the most common culprit of clogged sink and shower drains and the plunging methods mentioned before should give you successful results. However, for really stubborn clogs, Draino is highly effective in dissolving most drain-clogging elements and it is absolutely safe for your pipes. Simply follow directs which is merely pouring it into the clogged drain and giving it twenty to thirty minutes to wipe out the clog then flush the drain with running water. Draino is environmentally safe.

If even Draino doesn’t do the job, you needn’t call a plumber just yet. Instead, go to your local home store. There are amazing gadgets on the market for seriously clogged drains such as drain-snakes and tools which enable you to even retrieve foreign objects that may have accidentally gotten into the drain. Most of them are relatively inexpensive, especially compared to the cost of a plumber. Furthermore, you will have the device for any future drain problems. If you have small children, it will certainly pay for itself in no time.

Unless you’re a Christian, you’ll probably roll your eyes at this, but prayer can go a long way when facing problems like this. Jesus knows what we deal with every day and there is no problem too great or too small for the Lord. “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”- John 15:7

Just remember that most clogged drains can be freed by simply using the plunger correctly. Plunging up and down on the plunger only rocks the clog, but yanking it up swiftly after loosening it with a few slow plunges, should completely dislodge it and free your drain. It doesn’t always work on the first attempt so give it a few more plunges before giving up. But if the plunger fails, use Draino which should do the trick.

If the clog defies even the Draino, go in search for a plumbing tool. If all else fails, seek a plumber. Likely as not though, if you seek the Lord first, you won’t get this far.

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