Unclutter Your Room: Tips for an Organized Bedroom

1. Each time you want to put something down anywhere, take the time to put it in its appropriate place. Each time you dress, make a habit of putting the dirty clothes in the hamper, and hanging the clothes that you will still be using on the rack. Taking the extra minute to put things in their designated place will save much time in the future.
2. Dress in the bathroom or your walk-in closet where all clothes are easily within reach. Before getting dressed, decide first what to wear; take out your choice of pants or skirt, blouse, shoes, belt and bag, see if all else are agreeable to you, then get dressed. Not only will this save you a lot of time, but also a lot of energy when you keep on changing from one suit to the other.
3. Hang your clothes in the closet by category and by color. For instance, hang all pants at the same area and sort them out by colors; the polo shirts also in an area and all the same color are grouped together. This will enable you to find what you need and decide on what to wear easily, as they are displayed in a well organized manner.
4. Also try to store all your hand bags at a certain section of your closet grouped together in colors and function; below the bags, line up the shoes, grouped into colors accordingly and hang the belts near the bags.
5. Baskets, boxes, plastic containers and tin cans of different shapes and sizes make perfect storage; you can either put a cover on them and label each container, or just leave them open for you to easily look into.
6. Put away anything that doesn’t belong in your room. You may need to put a little coffee or side table beside the door, for any magazines, glasses, coffee mugs, mail, etc. that needs to be put into the kitchen or the living room; conveniently pick those up on your way out and put them back where they belong.
7. Easy trashing. Line your wastebasket in the room with a plastic bag; this way, you can handily tie and pick it up and throw it in the trash outside. Be sure to replace the plastic bag each time.
8. Set a certain day of each week for organizing your room; for instance, every Friday, for at least two to three hours, you do the organizing, clearing your closet, carpet cleaning, vacuuming and taking your bed sheets and comforters to the cleaners.
A clean and well organized room is the key to relaxation. Go ahead, start clearing your room today and be amazed at what this can do to improve not only the appearance of your room, but your lifestyle as well. Follow the simple tips above. You will be glad you did!