Understanding Parkinson Disease

Parkinson Disease is a disease that causes you to have difficulty with movement. It starts mildly and then gradually worsens. Cells in your brain are lost and this causes miscommunication with the neurotransmitters in your body. Dopamine producing cells are the cells that are not functioning properly and sadly by the time it is diagnosed, many of those cells are no longer functioning.

There are drugs to help control Parkinson Disease, but at this time there is no cure or way to stop the disease from progressing. There are signs of Parkinson Disease that may help you recognize it in yourself or family member. There are often tremors or shaking. Movement may be slowed or difficult due to stiffness. Balance is also an issue.

My grandmother had Parkinson Disease and her tremors were often worse during times of stress. Balance became worse as it progressed. Consider hand rails in hallways to help your loved one with their balance.

Other lesser known signs can be a walk that is shuffling and speech that seems muffled or not as clear. The shuffling walk looks as though the person is barely lifting their feet. Once again, my grandmother’s walk was affected as it progressed.

Parkinson Disease is usually diagnosed while people are in their 60’s or older, though it can be seen in younger people like Michael J. Fox who’s brought Parkinson to a more public talked about condition. The Michael J. Fox Foundation can be found at [http://www.MichaelJFox.org].

Because there is not a blood test to diagnose Parkinson Disease, it is usually found on examination. Recognizing the signs listed above may help you to seek treatment sooner. There is an option of surgery with Parkinson, but it does not cure the condition and still offers much risk. Seek professional help if you think you or someone you know has Parkison Disease and always be willing to hear a second opinion if surgery is discussed.

As with any long term chronic illness, depression and denial may set in. Understanding that this condition is here to stay can make quite an impact. Seek professional help if you become depressed.

Talking about your condition may help you not feel as isolated and can offer new information. There are online message groups that are specifically people with Parkinson Disease. Remember that things you read online do not make up for qualified medical advice from your doctor.

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