Understanding Women: Nature’s Most Precious & Treacherous Creature

Generally speaking, women frequently accuse men of lacking romance, gentleness and passion. Truth is, yes, there are many men among the world who misrepresent by their lack of tenderness. But contrary to what many women believe, some of their very own have flaws that need readjusting.
Appreciation: A simple ‘thank you’ every now and then is appreciation enough. Most women have tendencies to forget that men appreciate some of the same things they do. Since we live in a society, which thrives from statistics; theoretically speaking, men are dogs, thus, the reason why women find it difficult to believe some of the good things they see. If a man is soft-spoken, nice or gentleman like, he’s gay, a pushover, soft, wet behind the ears or it’s game. Yet if a man is mature, non-tolerant and vibrant about his beliefs, he’s stuck up, high-maintenance or deemed as ‘he’s just like my father.‘ Today in modern society, in order for average Joe to meet ‘above average’ Jean, Joe must be able to develop several characteristics consecutively. Joe must be the soft-spoken tough guy, the risky-romantic, the social and extensive drinker, the casual and hard dresser, the 2-door ford escort driver and the hot red Kawasaki racer, thinks like my father type, but reminds me of my ex boyfriend. There isn’t much appreciation for that single gentleman, that charming fellow who works at the movies, or even that handsome guy who drives the 87 Station wagon. Now and days a man has to be so much just to get his shot.
From the singles world, one of the biggest complaints men have is how women often go on 1st dates, give a phony ‘thank you’ and pull the disappearing act. Unless this gentleman has done something to seriously offend you, it’s somewhat rude to spend an evening with this gentleman and not at least have the decency to answer his phone calls, text messages or emails. Disrespectful? Were all adults here, you have the right to be upfront with your feelings from the get go. Women pull the disappearing act for several unknown reasons known to man. Have the courtesy to at least be honest about your feelings. Some women will lead men on a wild goose chase that usually ends up nowhere. For many women, the ability to use their appeal and beauty to get what they want is astonishing! While as for most men, it’s hurtful and somewhat discouraging.
I speak for most men when I say that we feel like that ‘niceness’ is somewhat taken for granted. Since by common woman theory, ‘men are dogs’, women find it difficult to open up and accept that men can actually be sweet and show a good time. As a result, Men are graded & judged harshly by women. From the way he ties his shoes to the way he gazes into a woman’s eyes during conversation. Most times he’s compared to past ex’s, and given irrelevant mental tests to determine if he’s ‘the one’. Yet the main reason women claim they do this is because, “I have been through some rough things in my life. I’ve been hurt.” As if a man has himself never been seriously wounded. She may do things to purposely irritate him. Thus, if he stands up for himself he complains too much, can’t take a joke or is too serious. If he smiles and takes it well, he’s too nice or a sucker. Let’s get it into the opening, women love toying with men. The ability to sexually manipulate, tease and play games at any given time without resistance is too joyous for many women to pass up.
Between the sheets, many men often feel pressure to perform; to the greatest exponential power. In a sense, a lot of it has to do with the fact that we’ve blown ourselves up to be such erotic showstoppers. We brag, give complements to ourselves and preach about how great we are in bed. Other times, it’s often because the majority of women have supremely high expectations just because men have the ‘pipe.’ That in itself for some men creates tension that makes it difficult to perform well. Sex requires chemistry and understanding; something very difficult to do without a consistent partner. Great sex requires compatibility. Some couples have it naturally, and some have to work hard to achieve it. But the key is to do it together.
Whats the deal with the attitudes? I am sorry I am having a bad day too. But there’s no reason to get all bent out of shape and begin lashing out at folks. It’s so difficult to be friendly now and days. A simple “hello” to some woman is followed by a nasty, head-swishing, eye-rolling gesture. Ladies get it together; not every time a man waves means he wants your phone number. Even some married and involved men I’ve interviewed have talked about these frequent mood swings. The story always begins with how things used to be until they moved in or have gotten married, then everything changes. Among my interviewers I learned that simple things become a lot more complicated and more of a hassle to resolve. Even ancient problems that have been dealt with before are somehow resurfaced into the equation.
One of the most intriguing issues brought to surface was the number of women who bombard their lover’s the instant they come in from work. “I can’t even take my shoes off,” I remember one guy telling me. “I have to hear everything that I either did wrong, my son did wrong, or every single event that went on throughout the day. Can I at least relax first, for an hour?”
The argument women put up is that men simply don’t talk to them or care about the events that happened throughout their day. It’s difficult to judge; some things need to be addressed right away. The rest can wait. There is a period needed for relaxation after a tough day on site or at the office. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care, or he doesn’t listen to you, so don’t use that excuse to make him feel guilty or sorry for you. It just means what it means, he needs a moment to unwind and get hisself together.
Nature’s beauty:
No disrespect to any woman out of there. I address these issues generically speaking. There are some women out there who do know what I am talking about. There are some women who have asked questions regarding why her lover stops doing or either doesn’t do those wonderful things he used to. As stated before, this isn’t an article designed to undermine our women. A woman is precious, more so than we know and think. For many Men, it takes a long while before he finds that ‘special’ one. If he’s righteous in his heart, he’ll treasure her till the day he dies.
Men must not forget, it’s generally our women who nurture us, believe in our dreams when our own friends clown us. Generally it’s women who give us that feeling we’ve never felt before. It’s women who help guide us on some of the paths that we never thought we get to. In this naturally dramatic and painful world, women carry us around for nine whole months. For that, and to the many women who grace, we owe our respects for these are simply nature’s most glorious creatures.
She may work as a mall janitor, deliver 70lb packages, work in an office, drive a pickup truck, play professional sports, be a house mom, write articles or clean roadways, she’s still beautiful to someone. The beauty & wonderful essence from a woman is powerful, hard to turn away; possesses too much poise. It becomes irrestible.
“Simply Irrestible”
Stare in the clouds,
Pray for a gift to fall..
If God gives us women.
Man reaches out to take, risking his all in the fall.
Looking to make that catch.
Hoping to be next.
Toss a shiny coin into the pond,
Hopefully the day won’t carry on for too long.
Maybe if she was to listen;
One might sing her a song.
Dare to dream without her,
How can one go on without her..
Especially when she’s standing right there.
How can one not notice?
Flying with her wings out of thin air.
Close one eye in sight, pretending to touch the moon with a finger at night.
Just to move it out over there into the trees.
Take a look around the world to see if you can spot her,
Open your heart,
What do you know? You might have already found her.
God bless, Jerrell Ellerbe.