Unique Baby Names from Old Hollywood

Katherine: the grand dame of Hollywood, iconic Oscar winner Katherine Hepburn starred in such classics as African Queen,Bringing Up Baby, and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Known for her distinct style and independent spirit, Hepburn’s first name means “pure” as in pure legend.
Lana: a famed film beauty nicknamed The Sweater Girl, Lana Turner starred in such movies as The Postman Always RingsTwice and Imitation of Life. One baby name source cites the name Lana is Polynesian in derivation and means to float. Turner’s real name was Julia.
Ingrid: Just Casablanca remains one of the greatest film love stories of all time, Ingrid Bergman remains one of the most beloved of the old Hollywood actresses. Her other films include The Bell’s of St. Mary’s and Hitchcock’s Notorious, plus two Oscar-winning roles: one in Murder On the Orient Express and one in Anastasia. Ingrid name means “hero’s daughter.” If you prefer, there’s always Bergman’s daughter’s name: Isabella (Rossellini)
Lauren: The name Lauren means “crowned with laurel” and you could certainly crown Lauren Bacall as Hollywood royalty. Married to Humphrey Bogart, her roles include co-starring with her husband in Key Largo and The Big Sleep and TheShootist. She continues to act to this day. Her real name: Betty
Betty/Bette: Speaking of Betty, or Bette, the name means consecrated to God (derived: Elizabeth). It’s the moniker attached to 40s pinup girl Betty Grable and one of Hollywood’s most revered actresses, big-eyed Bette Davis. Davis won two Oscars (for Dangerous and Of Human Bondage) and was nominated another ten times for her roles in such diverse films as The LittleFoxes,All About Eve, and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.
Marlene: The name means “child of light” but is most associated with an actress with a dark, mysterious voice. German-born actress Marlene Dietrich, with her iconic signature look starred in movies like Shanghai Express and Destry Rides Again. Her real first name: Maria
Marilyn: No name says sex symbol like Marilyn thanks to movie legend Marilyn Monroe who came on the scene in the 50s starring in such movies as Some Like It Hot and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Marilyn’s image remains maybe the most instantly recognizable of all Hollywood actresses. The name Marilyn means “bitter”. (Derived: Mary). (real name: Norma Jean).
Other names for classic Hollywood names: Greta, Vivian, Mae, Joan, Jane, Claudette, Judy, Lena, Audrey, Dorothy, Ginger, Rosalind
Clark: The name means “scholar” but Clark Gable, the best known Clark barring Kent, is best known for playing tough guy Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind. He also starred in the screwball comedy It Happened One Night.
Gregory : This name means “vigilant watch” which fits with one of debonair Gregory Peck’s most famous roles: Atticus Finch, the southern lawyer in To Kill A Mocking Bird who kept watch while a posse threatened his wrongly accused client. He also starred in movies like Gentleman’s Agreement, Moby Dick and The Yearling
Errol: Anyone who’s watched old time swashbuckling films has heard of Errol Flynn, the star of such movies as Captain Blood and The Adventures of Robin Hood. The name means “to wander” which somewhat fits with the screen legend who was known for much social “wandering” offscreen in his heyday. Real name: Leslie
Duke: John Wayne, the world’s most famous western actor, lives on in hundreds of films, western and otherwise: The Shootist, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Angel and The Badman. His nickname, Duke, lives on, too. The name means “leader” and given how many leading roles he had (and how many expeditions, possees and wagon trains he led on filmâÂ?¦) the name sure fits. He also produced many of his films. Real name: Marion.
Bogart roles: Few people are likely to name their child Humphrey (which means “peace”). But screen legend Humphrey Bogart’s roles present some interesting names. There’s Philip, his name in The Big Sleep;Harry, his name in several films like The African Queen;Linus, his name in Sabrina; and you might even consider Rick and Blaine, his first and last names in Casablanca.
James: This name means “supplanter” and no actor could ever supplant to guys named James from their places in Hollywood history. James Cagney is best known for playing a mobsters in movies like Public Enemy and White Heat, plus Oscar-nominated roles in Yankee Doodle Dandy and Angels With Dirty Faces. James Stewart starred in many of classics like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, It’s A Wonderful Life, Vertigo, Rear Window, and The Philadelphia Story, the last named of which earned him an Oscar.
Other boys names from classic Hollywood: Douglas, Charles, Spencer, Samuel, Alfred, Bill, Buster, Edwin, William