Unique Baby Names from Soap Operas

Girls Names
Alexis: This name has represented one of primetime soaps’ biggest villainess ever: Alexis Carrington Colby, the Joan Collins character on Dynasty. With an air of royalty and sophistication to it that befit Ms. Colby, a form the name has also shown up on Days of Our Lives in Lexie Carver, who sadly discovered she was a part of the DiMera crime family, and recently on General Hospital, where Alexis Davis also has evil lineage in her connection to the powerful and Cassindine family.
Blair: One Life’s to Live Blair is a bad girl turned good, or is it good girl turned bad? In her long-running tenure in Llanview, she’s most noted for her relationship with Todd, a real bad apple. They had a child Starr (which, speaking of soap opera namesâÂ?¦ ).
Brook-Lynn: There’s a teen character on General Hospital with this name, and it makes sense: her mom was from Brooklyn, NY! (What the relevance was to David Beckham and his Spice Girl wife in the UK, we’re not sure.) There are also a key characters of longstanding named Brooke on The Bold & The Beautiful and All My Children.
Kendall: Imagine the shock of All My Children fans to learn their resident diva, Erica Kane, had a secret baby. Not a baby anymore, but a diva in her own right.
Reva: No, not Reba. This spirited, long-suffering party girl turned leading lady has been on Guiding Light for over twenty years. Give or take a fake death. Her fun-sounding, strong, one-syllable name goes with her personality. Guiding Light also put the “v” sound to good use with Vanessa and Maeve in past years.
Sheridan: This name is attached to a mainstay Passions heroine who has been kidnapped, had her own kid kidnapped and had all sorts of family drama during the show’s relatively brief run.
Skye: Formerly an All My Children character, Skye has resided on General Hospital for a few years now. A schemer who likes to live well, Skye’s name has a deceptively pure and natural sound to it.
Boys Names:
Bo, Clint and Asa: Rich Texas cowboys Bo and Clint showed up to Llanview with their generally meglomaniacal dad Asa probably 20 years ago. Since then, the Buchanan brothers and their dad have had their pick of Llanview women, Bo’s the town’s head police honcho, and Asa owns, like, everything…well, everything Viki doesn’t own.
Austin: Days of Our Lives fans were probably thrilled at the return of this name and the handsome character who uses it. Austin was long ago part of a love triangle involving Salem’s younger set. They’re not all that young anymore, but Austin, with his cool, masculine, western-flavored name will still be in on the action.
Dillon: A popular boys name, it’s used on General Hospital for a down-to-earth filmmaker college student related to Port Charles’ most famous family, The Quartermaines. Maybe most often connected to songwriter/singer Bob Dylan and poet Dylan Thomas, the name fits this artistically inclined character
Lucas/Luke: Lucas on Days of Our Lives is related to Austin. On As The World Turn, Luke is a member of the farm-born Snyder clan (which includes past members with names like Holden, Iva, Caleb, and Meg…) On General Hospital, Lucas is the name of an openly gay teen, and closely related to the name Lucky, cousin of the teen and a bigtime young hero of the show. Both those GH younger males get their names from “the” Lucas aka LukeSpencer, one of the most famous soap characters of all time. Luke is Lucky’s dad and Lucas’ adopted uncle.
Nash: No, not Nash Bridges. One Life to Live has recently introduced this character as a love interest for Tess, the split personality of Jessica. Don’t ask, just accept. Nash has a countryish sound too it, maybe if you think of Nashville or Crosby, Stills & Nash. This Nash wants to start a vineyard some day, so maybe the earthiness works.
Ridge & Thorne: When The Bold & The Beautiful first came on air, starring two chisle-jawed brothers with the trendy, natural, unique names of Ridge and Thorne Forrester, the high-end model tone of the show was set. The brothers have come and gone and returned and the show, set in the glamourous fashion world, lives up to its promise.