Unique Baby Shower Gifts

There is perhaps nothing as heartwarming as buying gifts for a new baby. The aisles of your favorite store are probably loaded with tons of products geared towards a new baby. You may have a hard time deciding which gift you want to buy because they all seem so important.

What should you do when the parents-to-be have everything? Perhaps these folks have a houseful of children and don’t need anything new because they already have it. New parents may be so eager greet their child they have a fully stocked nursery all ready that includes every possible baby item imaginable.

Even when faced with the statement, “We really don’t need anything, no gift required,” we still feel the urge to get something. Here’s where you need to get creative!


Some expectant parents don’t want or need money. That doesn’t mean you can’t give a thoughtful and tasteful gift of money. A gift of money doesn’t have to be for the immediate needs of the baby. You could start a college fund or savings account in the new baby’s name. Get together with a few of the family’s friends and start one together for the new baby.

Unique Items

The family may not need a changing table or a crib but if you look around you may find a unique item for the baby’s new room. Antique stores today not only offer antiques, they also offer vintage items that may be only decades old.

Talk to the expectant Grandmother or take her shopping with you. If you can find something like a vanity set or a toy the new mom may have had herself as a kid, you may have found the perfect gift!

Something For The Parents

Though this gift isn’t really for the baby it could be in an indirect way. Give the new mom (or dad) a gift voucher for a massage or a weekend at the spa. They may not want to part with their newborn right away but they will eventually find time to use this thoughtful gift. A more relaxed parent is always good for baby.

Other gifts along this line might be a pre-paid salon appointment or gym membership. If the parents are readers set them up with a book club or a selection of bestseller from the bookstore.


Have coupons made up for free babysitting. Make coupons for different times. You may include a few nights so they can go out to dinner or some afternoons so mom can go to the grocery store by herself.


This is along the same lines as offering up your babysitting services. Offer to come over once or twice a week for the first month of baby’s life to help clean up the house. New mothers are often frazzled during this time and someone to help pick up or do a few loads of laundry can mean the world to them. You could also offer to come over and run errands or spend some time with the older kids (if they have any).

Books For Baby

Books aren’t exactly a unique gift but I strongly believe you can never have enough books. Spend an afternoon at your local bookstore and pick out your favorite books for children. If you aren’t sure which books to buy, get a gift certificate.

A Gift of Charity

Look for charities that give you naming rights. You can donate and have the baby’s name put on a bench in a park or a brick on a special walkway. These are always thoughtful gifts and can be visited for years to come.

The Moon and the Stars

There are websites on the Internet that offer, for a price, the rights to name a star after someone or to purchase an acre of land on the moon. These can be fun gifts to give the new parents.

I’d like to stress that these are novelty gifts only. You cannot really have a star officially named after someone or own a block of land on the moon. These can however be fun and quirky gifts if you don’t mind passing off your money for one very expensive piece of paper.

Remember, it really is the thought that counts. If you just can’t resist a gift or two go ahead and buy them. Find a unique gift the family can treasure for years to come.

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