Unique Indoor Lighting Fixture Idea: Ceramic Flower Pot Lamp

Create a unique indoor lighting fixture with ceramic flower pots. The ceramic flower pot lamp will fit nicely into any sunroom. Not only will the ceramic flower pot lamp fit into any sunroom, it can add a unique lighting fixture to any room in the home.

Materials Needed for a Ceramic Flower Pot Lamp

Ceramic Flower Pot. The ceramic flower pot will need to have a flat rim in order for them to be turned upside down.

Lamp Kit. One lamp making kit.

Lamp Shade. Lamp shade that will fit the size of the lamp kit.

Lamp Base. Find a lamp base that will fit into the top of the ceramic flower pot. If you are unable to find a base large enough, cut a base from a one inch thick piece of plywood. Most hardware stores can probably help you with this part of your project if you do not feel comfortable using power tools. The base will need to have a hole drilled into the center for the feeding of the lighting wires.

Epoxy Glue. You will need this for the lamp kit base insert.

Decorative Flower Pot Stand. This will be used as a way to have the plug part of the lamp kit to be plugged into the wall.

Making the Ceramic Flower Pot Lamp

Put together the lamp kit according the instructions in the kit. Please be aware the wires of the lamp kit will need to be threaded through the hole of the base before attaching it to the rest of the hardware in the kit. Turn a ceramic flower pot over. Once you have the lamp kit together, insert the wiring into the hole in the bottom of the ceramic flower pot. Secure the lamp lighting fixture by attaching it to base insert for the ceramic flower pot.

Once the lighting fixture is secured to the base, epoxy glue the base to the inside the ceramic flower pot. Let this dry for the amount of time specified on the epoxy glue container.

Find a place near a wall socket where you will want to place the ceramic flower pot lamp.

NOTE The next step may be a two-person job.

You now will need to move the ceramic flower pot lamp to the flower pot stand once the epoxy glue has dried. Depending on the size of the ceramic pot that is being used, you may need some help with this part of the project. Once the lamp base is on the flower pot stand, have someone tilt the pot slightly while you run the electric cord through a hole on the stand toward the floor.

Place an energy efficient light bulb in the socket. Next, place the lamp shade on your lamp and plug the lamp in. This unique indoor lighting fixture can be made in one to two days.

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