United Nations Unforgotten Authority

For six years the international community has witness the failure of every peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It’s practically impossible for both sides to search for a rational common ground after years of perpetual conflict. The Arab world accuses the United States in being unconditionally pro-Israeli. At the same time, the Arab Summit has historically embarrassed itself by giving Palestinians candles of hope when it lacks the fire to light them up.

It’s a never ending story. Hamas and Islamic Jihad continue to challenge President Mahmoud Abbas political agenda while secretly preparing suicide attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. After receiving global applause, to certain extent, for removing illegal settlers from Gaza strip, Israel announced their soldiers will stay in the region and will continue to expand illegal settlements in West Bank. Ariel Sharon, at the same time, reaffirms his plans to expand settlements in West Bank to secure the controversial wall that expropriates Arab land from Jerusalem. The Road Map, a peace plan proposed by Washington, appears to have more bumpy roads and dead ends then green lights. Meanwhile, behind all this mutual violence and fruitless peace negotiations, the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories continues.

So who are the real responsible of this endless blood shed? Those who are fighting in this so called Holy Land or those who have the international recognition to stop it and yet have done nothing? The real “judge” in this case should not be only the United States, but also the United Nations because of its legal resources and historical authority in the region.

In the aftermath of World War I, the defeated Ottoman Empire lost its control over the land of Palestine to the British. Eventually, the League of Nations took over when the British decided to back-off the Semitic nightmare. The United Nations, successor of the League of Nations, announced sovereignty of this region and attempted to resolve the dispute between Arabs and Jews by deciding in the partition of Palestine. Besides the Independence of Israel a year later (1948), the United Nations, however, never renounced its sovereignty over the Palestinian territories.

This historical fact mention above is imperative and has been highly ignored by the U.S corporate media. Before bringing a real peace proposal, the United Nations should stand up and show leadership. An action that will totally regain their international respect since their irrelevance was clearly exposed in Iraq war. This action should tell the world that the occupied territories are still under their jurisdiction. U.N resolutions 242 and 338 call for Israeli withdrawal of its forces and settlements from Gaza Strip and West Bank. Also, The Jerusalem Wall is illegal, according to resolution 465 that prohibits Israel in changing the demographic composition of the so-called Holy City.

For the Palestinians, in order to obtain their own state and respect Israel concern of national security, the militants groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Martyr Brigade of Al-Aksa must accept a full disarmament since they do not represent state interest.
This disarmament must be supervised by U.N inspectors such as the case of the Irish Revolutionary Army (IRA) in Northern Ireland.

Moreover, this condition probably could be a relieve, to certain extent, for Mahmud Abbas since he’s petrified to give the order claiming that such action will start a civil war. If Hamas suddenly wants to play politics, they must play by the rules and close the chapter of martyrdom convictions.

United Nations should also negotiate the status of Jerusalem. This part is highly sensitive and crucial since both sides claim this city as their capital. U.N forces, supported by resolution 465 and other international laws, must play a role as “religious vigilantes” for places of worship.

Another obstacle of peace is the Palestinians refugees right to return to their original homeland. Ever since the 1947 war forced thousands of Palestinians into exile, numerous Arabs groups reject any compromise with Israel without the refugee’s unconditional right to return to their valleys and hills of 1947 Palestine. Ray Hanania, an Arab-American journalist wrote: “The Palestinians have a moral and legal right to return to their lands. But the reality of the world today, is not the reality of 1947, when the conflict forced refugees into camps.” He cannot be more correct. Telling the refugees to sit tight that their chance to regain their old valleys is coming, it’s just as irresponsible and absurd as telling the American Indians that one day the U.S government will return their lands conquered in the 19th century. It’s never going to happen.

United Nations will have to tell the Palestinians that the resolution 194 has suffered modern limitations and their final homeland has to be negotiated with Israel. This clarification will be more realistic to them. Instead some Palestinians activists, such as the Al-Awda movement, prefer keep pumping them up with false hopes while using the refugee issue as a political adamant against any peace agreement.

Conversely, the United Nations cannot implement peace without strong support of the United States. Israel’s record of ignoring U.N condemnations demonstrate its position to only listen to its main ally and investor. Arab states could also play a significant role although many believe the total opposite. The insignificant Arab Summit has always been promising the Palestinians military and economic support that never comes. According to Sami Moubayed, a Syrian political analyst believes that Arab leaders themselves have lost faith in their ability to change the terrible conditions of the Middle East, for witch they are collectively responsible. In spite of that, Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen and Kuwait could provide a financial support to the Palestinian infrastructure. Money that improves social-economic projects in Palestinian territories will create more positive results in the long run then those that nourish militant groups.

Peace is possible between Israel and the Palestinians. United Nations with America’s back up has the legal resources and historical authority to accomplish this goal. Even now, any peace agreement that excludes these resolutions and conditions will become another failure.

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