Unusual Delicacies From Around the World

In nearly every country, there are various delicacies enjoyed by its native people. I for one like to eat; however, some of these so-called delicacies do not sound very appetizing to me. Nonetheless, each culture represents their food tastes in different ways; and while some may seem strange, there still exists an air of interest within us all to learn more.

Did you know that in many cultures, insects are considered quite popular on the menu? For instance, fried grasshoppers are commonly eaten in Africa. In North America, you can purchase fried caterpillars and silkworms from many gourmet shops. A variety of bugs are widely available in Thailand. Some favorites include grasshoppers, cockroaches, silkworms, crickets, and scorpions. Scorpions are quite popular in Vietnam as well. Spiders, especially tarantulas, are considered a delicacy in Cambodia and are said to be packed full of protein. Hu-hu grubs are a traditional Maori food in New Zealand while in Japan; chocolate covered ants are well liked.

It is not uncommon to hear of reptiles or even some amphibians being eaten throughout the world. In fact, here in the United States, alligators, snakes, turtles, and frog legs are commonly seen on the menu. Crocodiles are preferred in Australia and New Zealand. In South America and along the Caribbean, many locals favor stewed turtle meat. Ever thought about eating lizards? These creatures are popular in the Philippines and in Central and South America, iguanas are frequently consumed. Did you know that some countries enjoy eating salamanders? This is true in Japan; salamanders are grilled to perfection on sticks.

Unusual as it may seem, some areas of the world find satisfaction in eating the heads of particular animals. A delicacy in France is the head of a calf while the sheep’s head is eaten in Norway. Did you know that the eyes of a lamb’s head are often given to honored guests in Saudi Arabia? Were you aware that in many countries, there are a variety of animals on the menu? For instance, rats are common in Thailand, cats in Hong Kong, bats in Indonesia, and dogs in Korea and China. Kangaroo and emus are popular food items in New Zealand. Did you know that people in Thailand also enjoy eating the fried toes of monkeys?

In some Arctic regions, seal and whale blubber are considered tasty. Many Europeans seem to be fond of horsemeat. Bear paw has been eaten for years in China and Russia. In the United States, some people like to eat scrapple. This is made from the scraps of pig parts. In Scotland, sheep’s stomach (Haggis) is eaten while the intestines (borewors) of sheep, cattle, or pig are a big hit throughout South Africa. Did you know that camel humps as well as their feet can be eaten? Both Arab and Chinese cultures have consumed this unusual culinary cuisine. In Spain and Mexico, bull testicles are considered to be delicacies. Are you aware of the fact that it is considered tradition to serve biscuits loaded with baby mice whenever a new baby is born? This takes place in the Netherlands.

Seafood is one of my favorite foods; however, I don’t think I’ll be trying any of these delicacies. The specialties in Newfoundland are cod tongues and seal flipper pies. Cod tongues are fried and eaten in Canada as well. Snails (escargots) were the favorite food of Romans and are popular in France. Did you know that people in Korea enjoy eating sea slugs? Ever heard of something called hÃ?¡karl? This is putrefied shark meat and offered in Iceland. China is famed for its jellyfish, while Japan is known for its raw fish menu (sushi or shiokara) which is often served in a sauce made from fermented squid guts. Fish eyes are a delicacy in the Philippines while smoked eel is a delicacy in Germany.

Of course, there are numerous birds and other fowl eaten throughout the world, but have you ever had an urge to devour some feet? Yes, the feet of some birds are actually quite popular among some cultures. For instance, duck feet are a favorite in China and chicken feet are frequently served in Hong Kong. Once again, some people enjoy eating the heads of animals. This is quite true in the Philippines where it is not uncommon to find people there eating chicken heads. Do you know what mollejas is? In Spain, this is known as fried chicken gizzards and considered a delicacy in this country. Are you aware that in China, people can order bird’s nest soup from the menu?

Some other unusual dishes include another favorite in Australia. It simply consists of pickled beets loaded on a burger and topped with a fried egg. Have you ever had a craving for some clay? Believe it or not, a special type of clay is eaten in parts of Africa and also in the southeastern United States.

So what do these people wash their meals down with? Unusual beverages are not uncommon among cultures either. In fact, if you’re ever in Hungary, maybe you’d like to try some pig’s blood. This is quite popular served with eggs. Do you like wine? In China, you can get a bottle of rice wine packed full of baby mice. Eskimos often make seagull wine. In Greece, you’ll find white wine (Retsina) with some pine resin added to it. Once popular in the southern United States was ammonia coke. This is simply Coca-cola with ammonia added to it. For some reason, people used to drink this as a cure for numerous ailments. Italy makes bitter liquor out of artichokes called Cynar. I saved the best for last, urine. In the countries of Kenya and Tanzania, bovine urine is often ingested. This is also used as a sedative in India, where human urine is swallowed as well.

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