Unusual and Interesting Crafts: Online Halloween Crafts, Costumes & More

Hoping to do something strange, unusual, different and unique this Halloween? Look no further than www.allcrafts.net for great ideas, patterns and instructions. And, if they don’t have what you’re looking for, they’ve definitely got a link that will take you to what you need. Sure, you’ll find some oldies but goodies there, but you’ll also find zillions of eerie and fantastic new ideas that’ll impress your friends, family and visitors.

What about a Monster Spider and Web design to greet your visitors? The giant spider is made with tubing, styrofoam balls, feathers, fur and a few other odds and ends. When assembled the furry black spider is intimidating, to say the least. And, speaking of spiders, why not make some Balloon Spiders to go with the rest of the interior Halloween decor? The balloon spiders are simple to make and very cheap, since they only require a couple of black balloons and a few notions.

Or, how about some Halloween Tombstones? Styrofoam makes it easy to shape the tombstones, then paint and add things like dry leaves or a skeleton sitting be side it. The project is easy and really looks like cement or stone.

Why not share the Halloween fun with the birds in your neighborhood by making a Haunted Birdhouse. Starting with a birdhouse kit you can add all sorts of scary and eerie notions to enhance the house.

It’s really easy to make a Pumpkin Pinata that the kids will love. This is great for households that prefer not to trick-or-treat. The project uses a plastic bowl for a mold, then newspapers, paint, and a few other items. Fill with candy and let the kids have a ball!

And what’s Halloween without some witches hanging around? You can make a Witch Doll in under an hour with the instructions and photos included. Make several, string them up around the house, and watch guests’ eyes bug when they see the haunting creatures. They’ll never guess you made them yourself.

Let’s don’t forget to make haunting windows by using the instructions here to make Spooky Cheesecloth Window Treatments. Dip cheese cloth in tea to make them appear old, make random cuts on the cloth to make the curtain appear shredded, then hang. Add spiders, bats or whatever else you wish. The cheese cloth makes great ghosts, too. Stuff the head with paper towels, newspaper or old fabric. Tie a string around the “neck” area and hang the ghosts from tree branches in the yard.

Fall means delicious apples but you don’t necessarily have to eat the apples. Make Shrunken Heads with them by using these simple instructions. Peel the apples and coat them in lemon juice. Cut out eye sockets and a mouth. Allow the apples to dry completely and they’ll shrink and contort while they dry. They make very eerie-looking additions to your Halloween decor and you won’t believe how real they look.

You’ll love all the eerie Halloween craft choices you can make when you visit http://www.allcrafts.net – THE place to get your weird, unusual and strange Halloween craft patterns. Try one of the crafts above or select one of their many, many others. Now, let’s talk Halloween costumes….

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