Update Your Kitchen Appearance for Under $100

1. Declutter.
This should always be the first step in updating or remodeling your kitchen, because it’s not only free, but could actually earn you a few bucks. Get three baskets. One is for trash. One is for things you can donate or sell. One is for things that belong in another room. Start at the entrance of your kitchen, and start going through your things, progressing in a clockwise direction as you work. Every day, for at least fifteen minutes, attack a spot in your kitchen and make hard choices about what to keep. Some of your items can be sold on EBay to make you a few more dollars to put towards your kitchen update. Do you really need all those appliances on your kitchen countertops? If not, put the appliance in the donate/sell basket. If you do need the appliance, can it be stored elsewhere? If so, put it away. Are your appliances covered in thumbprints and crumbs? Clean them off and make them sparkle. The less clutter you have on your counter-tops, the cleaner and more modern it will look. The same thing goes for your fridge. Try clearing it off of all magnets and clutter. Instant change! If you absolutely must keep your magnets and pictures on the fridge, try one of the sides that aren’t immediately visible when entering your kitchen.

2. Your cabinets.
The most prominent feature in your kitchen is likely to be your kitchen cabinetry. If it’s old and tired, it is likely to date your entire kitchen. You can’t replace or even reface your cabinets for under $100. But you can do three things to give them a new look. First, consider whether or not your cabinets look old because they’re just dingy. Oil, grease, smoke and dust can put a film on your cabinets that you don’t notice on a daily basis. Get a bucket of hot soapy water, a sponge, and a step-stool and give all your cabinets a good scrub. It won’t cost you anything and it will give you a better idea of whether or not additional work needs to be done. If you still don’t like their appearance, consider adding or changing the knobs. You can pick up new knobs at your local hardware store on the cheap, and you can buy them even cheaper on EBay. You’d be surprised at the dramatic change just a few modern-style knobs can make on your cabinets.

3. Paint.
It may be that your walls are looking pretty grim. Scuffs, spatters, and nicks can give your kitchen a beat-up look. You may have grown immune to even seeing the cobwebs. As long as you don’t have matte paint, get a bucket and some soapy water, and start washing down your walls and baseboards. It’ll only cost you elbow grease and will brighten the room considerably. If, however, you’re looking for a more dramatic look, consider re-painting. It cost $50 to repaint my spacious kitchen in a shade of Eternal Beige-cheap enough to buy more paint when we want a new color. You can use paint to create drama in your kitchen, or to redirect the eye. You can even paint your kitchen cabinets, if you don’t mind covering the wood.

4. Window Treatments.
If your curtains are looking pretty lame, take them down and put them in the wash with a brightening agent like Oxi Clean. You can wash your blinds in the shower. If your existing window treatments can’t be salvaged, consider sewing new ones. Or you can try the new paper blinds that can be cut to fit. They’re inexpensive, easy to mount, and a year or two later, if they’re dusty and no longer functional, you can recycle them with the rest of the paper and buy some more.

Taking these four simple steps, you can dramatically change the appearance of your kitchen, and give it an updated, modern look. And you can do it all for less than $100.

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