Update Your Kitchen/Bedroom/Bathroom for Under $100

Lets start with the walls. Walls are easy to update with a little paint or wall boarder.
PAINT cost $4 a gallon to $20 a gallon
Notice the cost starts at a very low price. This is because most paint stores like Sherwin Williams will sell their mismatched paints to you at a VERY LOW COST! Just go into the store and ask to see the mistinted color selections. Most times if you don’t find something that is the exact color you want, but still in the same family you can have them tint it to something that suits you. Just ask.
If you fail to find a mistint bargain, head to walmart or your local home improvement store. Most bathrooms are small enough that one gallon of paint will do the entire room, depending on darkness of the paint. If you are using a very dark color it is recommended that you first paint a primer coat, tinted to a color similar to the paint color you choose.
There you have it your walls are done! And you have only spent around $25 for the paint.
If you happen to live in a place that won’t allow you to paint. Simply purchase two rolls of inexpensive wall border and staple, with a desk stapler, at the ceiling height. If done correctly you will never be able to tell it wasn’t glued. This allows you to remove it easily without leaving large holes.
Next the linens! cost $20-$60 depending on the number you need.
Towels and washcloths are easy to replace. Most likely a family of four could use 5-6 towels, washrags, and handtowels. If each family member hangs towels when they are done, you can reuse them for several days and they still remain sanitary. Lets say that you need 4 each of towels, hand towels, and washrags for your bathroom. Wal-mart and Target offer sets of two each of those items for around $20. Buying 4 each you have spent $40.
With paint and linens you have spent $80, leaving you $20 for a new shower curtain and a floor mat by the shower.
A nice clear shower curtain that resists mildew costs around $8 at Wal-Mart or Target. Simply hang this with your current shower rings and you have a nice new curtain that goes with any color.
A floor mat at walmart or target costs around $12. You can get them in any color you choose, so you could match them to your towels.
There you have it, a bathroom redone on $100. This whole process will take you about a day, and people will love the new look. And, if you got your paint at a discount, then you have a few extra dollars to spend on a nice picture or vase of flowers for your counter top!
Happy Decorating!
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design