Update the Look of Your Home with Frieze Moldings

Looking for an affordable way to update the look of your home or add character to a boring room? Adding frieze molding to your walls can completely alter the look and feel of a room without breaking your budget or your back. Frieze molding can cozy up a cold room, bring elegance to a casual living space, or add a touch of drama to a boring or outdated decor.

Frieze is a type of molding generally sold in wide, flat, horizontal bands, and is used to frame windows, doors, or the upper section of walls. Frieze can be made of any material, but is most commonly made of wood or metal. Frieze molding is often used to complement crown or cove molding, but can be used alone as a ceiling border, or installed a few feet from the ceiling to create a lovely display area for pictures or art. It is available in a variety of styles, from plain to ornamental, and can be painted to match any decor. The style of frieze molding you choose will have a dramatic impact on the feel of the room, so use caution when picking out an ornamental pattern.

When choosing the style and location of frieze molding for your walls, keep in mind that installing this type of molding below ceiling height will reduce the scale of your room. This is beneficial if you want to add warmth to a large room, but can make an already small room appear even tinier. Consider the height of your room, as well as the size of any other moldings in the room, when deciding on a placement for your frieze molding. The eyes of your guests will be drawn to the height of the molding, so be careful not to install your frieze molding near anything you want to remain unnoticed.

Because molding can warp, always store it in a dry and well-ventilated area. Do not ever store frieze molding outdoors, and be certain to place the molding in the room for a minimum of 48 hours before installation in order to allow the frieze molding time to adjust to the humidity levels of the room. Frieze molding can be painted before or after installation, or can be left in its natural condition. If the pattern on your ornamental frieze molding is detailed or repeating, you should consider purchasing more molding that you will need for your room. This will ensure that you have adequate length to match up the pattern and will result in a more consistent appearance.

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