Updating Your Computer

With the release of new viruses and worms seemingly everyday. It leaves users wondering if their computer is fully updated. No one wants to check for updates everyday when they are working online. But not installing updates in a timely manner could leave your personal computer vulnerable to attack. A computer that is not updated can be infected with viruses, have spyware or malware installed, and many other malicious acts.
What is an update?
Updates are software patches and updates to a manufacturers program. Installing these updates helps to protect your computer from spyware, viruses, and other mischievous and malicious programs. Usually a company will release an update when it finds a problem in its software or potential threats presented themselves. To keep your computer functioning properly you’ll need to update your software programs.
What do I need to update?
To start, your operating system. Windows can automatically check for updates at a specific time each day, week, month, etc. Setting your operating system to automatically update is a very good call. Anti-Virus software also needs updates to gather virus signatures and definitions. If not, your computer may get a virus and your anti virus may not be able to recognize it, thus leading to potential catastrophe. Spyware blockers, pop up blockers, and other ‘protection programs’ needs constant updating.
When to update?
If you use your computer everyday and it is connected to the internet with an ‘always on’ connection such as DSL or cable. You will need to update your computer everyday, or at least check for updates to see if any are available. If you are on a dial up connection, then once weekly should suffice. The sooner the better is the way I update. Most programs can be set up on a scheduler to automatically check for updates and auto install them also. This is the best way to do it, because even though it takes a little time to set up, you won’t need to worry about it. And your computer time can be spent in other ways besides checking for updates to your security software and programs.
The fact is, without updating your computer against potential threats. Because most internet users do not know about potential threats as a software company would. It’s advised if they offer an update, that you install it. Even if you don’t exactly know the reason. It could also protect you from future threats. You will be leaving yourself vulnerable to attacks and viruses. So update your computer on a timely basis and keep it up to date.