Updating Your Kitchen/Bathroom or Bedroom for Under $100.00

Does your living space need a new look? Tired of looking at the same old decor from day to day? Why not liven up your living area for under a $100.00? You may think that redecorating is an expensive tasks, but if you know where to search and shop for bargains, this can be a fun learning experience! Plus you can find some of the most unique and stylish home accessories and decor. You can begin searching at IKEA, The Container Store, or yard and estate sales.

The number one place has to be IKEA. Everyone knows about IKEA right? Yes, I’m talking about the big Yellow and Blue where houses that are located off the freeways! Have you ever thought about stopping in and taking a look?

IKEA’s is one of the most innovative, fashionable, trendy and in expensive spots to shop for living accessories for the home, or office if you’re on a budget. You will always find the necessary items that you need in your life. Many college students furnish their dorms, apartments and rooms with unique furniture and bright and colorful accessories from this popular trendy spot.

Need to liven up your kitchen area? No problem! If you haven’t checked IKEA out yet, I would recommend taking a trip to your local IKEA, grabbing a few plastic shopping bags, loading them up with a few necessary items and you’ll be fine as long as you follow giant yellow arrows!

What you’ll find: You will find kitchen ware such as eating, cooking and serving utensils in an array of colors for everyone in your life, whether it’s your 3 year old or your pet terrier. You can also walk away with great deals on sets of fashionable drinking and wine glasses, cooking ware, bedding, bathroom accessories and even items for your yard and still have money to either return or keep! Your choice of colors and selection is limitless. If you find yourself a little hungry from all of the exercising, and shopping, you can always go downstairs and grab something to snack on at the food courts, such as ice cream, hot dogs, hamburgers, shakes, icees, popcorn and more!

Little one’s growing tired of your shopping expedition and hungry? The food courts are great if you have kids that may grow tired, hungry and impatient. Other amazing amenities include the play enters. If you do not feel like totting your children with you because of the long walks and meandering but congested roads, why not check your kids into the supervised play centers where they can relax, mingle with other children, and play with toys? Don’t worry, if you’re child needs you, the staff can reach you on the intercom system, or you can leave them your cell phone number where they can call you!

IKEA’S Price Ranges:
What you can get for under $100.00:

Living Accessories:

Cups & Glasses – sets as low as: $3.00 – $5.00

Cookware – Cooking sets: $15.00 – $30.00

Food storage – Tupperware & Containers: .39 – $3.00

Cooking utensils – Spoons & Forks & Supplies: . 50 – $10.00

Bedroom accessories: $3.00 -$15.00, Comforter Sets:$25.00 – $30.00 and up.

Pillows: $3.00-6.00, Throw Rugs:$8.00 – $35.00

Bathroom accessories: Towels, soap dishes, bath rugs, shower curtains: $3.00-$30.00

Living room accessories: window treatments and blinds, posters, photos, wall hangings, lighting units & lamps: $9.00-$59.00.

Electronics – phones, lamps, gadgets: $5.00 – $20.00

Toys: .50 – $10.00

Prices tend to be higher if you’re looking for top to premium items, or sets.

You can also shop IKEA online as well if you do not have the time, or stamina to drive to an IKEA and then walking through the entire store to look at each and every product on display.

Remember it may be better to just go to your local IKEA rather than shop on-line because you’re more likely to find more deal at the store than you are online. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the shipping and tax that you’ll get charged if you just go to the store. I would also recommend going to a few IKEA’s to see what each location stocks.

The Container Store!
Another hot, new and exciting place to check out if you’re updating your living space would be the container store! The container store has become another trusty and extremely popular spot that many office workers, college students and parents with young children have grown dependent on for organization, necessities and simple living amenities.

What you’ll find: You can find an assortment of folding and flipping desk, trays, tables, safe containers to lock up valuables, food storage, shipping containers, waste baskets, kitchen units, desk organizers, whimsical doo-dads, gadgets, totes and bags, luggage, clothing chests, lockers, window and wall treatments, blinds, shower caddy sets, hangers, locks and more in bright sunny colors allowing versatility.

If you have a teen who’s returning to their dorms for the approaching college semester, then why not check out the container store! Why not check this place out for your self as well? The Container store is also a great place for teachers, professors, elementary teachers teaching grade school, nursery schools, and day care centers as well? I would recommend this store to just about anyone who loves to be organized and live a simplistic life. You will not be disappointed. You can find stores in California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Washington, D.C.!

Price Ranges: $5.00 – 800.00. The items in the more expensive ranges are usually pantry and kitchen wall units. Go online to check for prices and comparisons.

Yard & Estate Sales!

Everyone loves to search for a great yard, or estate sale – right? I absolutely love yard and estate sales because you can walk away with amazing items that are usually in excellent condition for really great prices! The goal of the seller is to get rid of the items because they usually feel that it’s clutter that’s crowding needed space.

I once found a beautiful set of Italian glass and gold melifiore necklaces from 1929, for about $5.00 a piece and I purchased the entire set for $25.00. The grandson who was monitoring and holding the estate sale even threw in a beautiful antique jewelry box that belonged to his great grandmother for free. I had the necklaces appraised and they stay in my antique jewelry box. My weakness is jewelry when it comes to yard and estate sales.

Getting ack to the point of this article, you can find amazing items such as vintage dinnerware sets, furniture, appliances, gadgets and more to lighten your living area. By now, if you’re not familiar with yard, or estate sales, you’re probably wondering how you would go about finding local estate sales and if you’re not interested in yard or estate sales, maybe you should be interested and give them a try! It couldn’t hurt and you may come across a few valuable antiques! Well, sometimes, you can find out about estates sales in the classified section of your newspaper because that’s a great place to start! I live in the suburbs of Los Angeles, CA, so I usually check out local estates sales held constantly in Pasadena, Hollywood Hills, Redondo Beach, the historic sections of Los Angeles and just about anywhere that has an Estate/yard sale sign. I also take the time to drive around my local neighborhood to scope out sales as well. Remember to always keep your eyes open!

How to find yard and estate sales:
If you’re dying to attend an estate, or yard sale after reading this article, but you still can’t find any listings or adds advertising events, why not check with your local realtor or city chamber? I have actually stopped at real estate offices, talked to a few realtors and expressed my interest in estate/yard sales! You would not believe just how many of these guys are more than willing to jot down your info with the sure promise of notifying you of a future sale. Yes, this works, but you must be friendly. It would also be a great idea to express to the realtor your interest in the homes in the neighborhood!

Now that I’ve given you a few reasons as to why you should check out a yard and estate sale during the weekend, you have no excuse, but if you do not take the time and effort to find one, you will only hurt yourself. You would not believe just how many people are interested in yard and estate sales. Many buyers and patrons are aware that you can find great deals at these sales and some have made it a life long profession to hunt for useful items and antiques! Why not spend a weekend in your local cities searching for yard and or estate sales? It’s so much fun! You will love attending these sales.

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