Uses for Garden Flags

One easy to manage theme is the seasons. Choose flowers such as pansies or tulips for spring. A sun or beach picture would be great for summer. Leaves, pumpkins or wheat sheaves can represent fall. For winter, a pretty snowflake or happy snowman will convey the feeling. If you want to change the flags more frequently, go with the holidays. Start the year with a scene from a New Year’s Day party such as champagne glasses. Around February 1, a picture of a groundhog or a candle is appropriate. Spring in March has many choices, Easter eggs, rabbits or pretty flowers. Coming up in May, display a symbol for Memorial and/or Mother’s Day. June is for father and summer. For July, go for the fourth celebrations of fireworks, the American flag or swimming themes. August is the start of harvest time so bring out the fall colors. September is the official start of autumn. October is time for Halloween. Jack o’lanterns, black cats and witches are very popular and easy to find flags. November has Thanksgiving and what better symbol than a cornucopia. December is winter, Yule, Christmas and other religious celebrations. Garden flags with Christmas trees, wreaths and religious symbols are available in many stores and online.
If your yard or garden is sectioned out into a dedicated area, choose appropriate garden flags that enhance the function. Place a flag with a butterfly on it in a garden planted with flowers to attract them. Maybe your child loves ladybugs or caterpillars. Plant flags of various insects in front of an area, on either side or in the back to form a backdrop.
Welcoming friends and family is easy with garden flags for your mailbox, door and yards. Choose a pineapple, which is a universal symbol for welcome. Birdhouses, frogs and various text styles incorporate the word welcome. Do you support a particular cause? There are flags now for supporting our soldiers or for breast cancer research that can be purchased. Special occasion flags add a wonderful touch to a celebration. Garden flags for birthdays, new babies, anniversaries and other remembrances are available.
A wide selection of mounting options allows garden flag placement almost anywhere. A three and a half foot metal pole with a bar and various curls is the most popular stand for flags. Complete iron frames or arbor frames lets the flag be hung higher and can accommodate larger flags. Place them along a driveway, sidewalk or fence for a festive touch.
Traci Pederson
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design