Using Cast Iron Tips

Skillets and pots made from cast iron will last for years if cared for properly. They are great for indoor and outdoor cooking. They also do not bend and you will not have to concern yourself with flakes Teflon coming off in your food, which by the way can make you sick. Due to the fact that they are solid pieces you can use the same utensil when cooking food s that require both stove top directions and oven time.
All cast iron utensils will need to be seasoned after you purchase them. Seasoning is simply creating a non-stick surface and also serves as a means to keep your foods tasting great. To properly season cast iron preheat your oven to 375 degrees. While the oven is preheating apply a then coat of vegetable oil to your cast iron. Apply it all over including the handle. Now place the cast iron into the oven for about an hour. Take it out and allow to cool, then either hang it or stack using paper towels in between utensils.
Once your pans are properly seasoned they will be non-stick for the most part. Over time and use this will improve. You may find that you have to add oil or shortening in with ingredients and this is fine. When cooking with cast iron always use potholders. Unlike the pots and pans that have handles separate from the actual cooking part, cast iron is all one piece. As a one piece item the heat will distribute throughout the pan including the handle.
Clean up is a breeze using cast iron. Do not wash in soap and water, rather simply wipe it out with a paper towel or cloth. Afterwards apply a thin coat of oil with a paper towel. For stuck on messes scrub with salt and warm water, but don’t forget to apply the oil afterwards. Never place your cast iron in a dishwasher as this will only cause them to rust.
Using and cooking with cast iron is a great idea. The versatility makes them a good choice of utensils to have in your kitchen. Handled with care your cast iron pots and pans will serve you flawlessly for years to come.