Using Feng Shui to Create The Perfect Environment for Success

What you might need is a good dose of Feng Shui! No, it’s not some herbal supplement or new religious craze, but an ancient art of arranging your furniture and designing your surroundings to create the best atmosphere for you to live and work in.
And who believes in Feng Shui? After all, who would buy into such a crazy idea? How about Donald Trump, the Bank of England and Virgin Airlines? And if it works for them, why wouldn’t it work for you?
Feng Shui (pronounced as “fung shway”) originated over 3,000 years ago in the East, where the concept of “ch’I” was popular. Ch’I is another word for positive energy and is created by maximizing your natural potential and enhancing it through well-designed surroundings.
But that’s the theory – what sort of concrete examples can you work into your home and business?
First, let’s start with the plot of land your house is built on. You should ideally be able to see water from where you sit, be it a small lake or an ocean. And your house should never be at the end of road, thus the term “dead-end”. Look around your area next time you go out driving and you’ll rarely see a single house directly at the end of a road, showing this concept already in action.
Your front door should never be in a straight line with the roadway, nor should you have double doors for your main entrace or two doors. As well, you shouldn’t have obstuctions near the front door, such as shrubs or hedges.
But wait, you say – what sort of silly superstitions is this? What can you gain from just renovating the front of your house?
Security experts have recommended for years that you should keep the area around your front door as bare as possible, to help combat crime. A criminal can easily hide in a tall hedge right at your front door and leap out when you least expect it. As well, the stress you feel upon arriving home seems to lessen when you walk up a winding path to your front door, instead of striding up a straight line. Of course in Fung Shui this is all attributed to demons, but some of these ideas have proven to help both domestic and business dwellings and those within. Psychologists have discovered that the color of a room can affect your mood and high, well-lit ceilings can add to a person’s mental fitness.
Every house also has a “wealth corner” that can be found and cultivated with the right furniture and ornaments. Who wouldn’t want to try and get every advantage possible?
While there are a variety of books out on the market on how to use Fung Shui to create the best atmosphere for your home, it’s best to find and employ an expert. Far from a crackpot theory, Fung Shui is being embraced and included by famous and not so famous people the world around. Why not see if this ancient art can work for you?
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design