Using Old Bridesmaid Dresses as Halloween Costumes

Do not spend a small fortune on a Halloween Costume; instead pull out that disaster from your closet that you have sworn never to wear again.

1. Prom axe murderer. Chose your most hideous pro dress, a home made plastic corsage, some fake blood and an axe and you have an instant costume that shows your dress in its best light. Put on lost of mascara and eyeliner, then smudge it and get some to run down your face. Put on your lipstick in a moving car, and do not fix the mistakes. Wear sneakers so you can chase down your victims.

2. Beauty queen. If your dress is kind of nice, but un-wearable for any reason (stain or other imperfection) go ahead and wear it for Halloween. Don a tiara, get a pretty bouquet on flowers, and sash you can make yourself, by naming yourself Miss, Mrs., or Ms. (whatever you want).

3. Queen of the world. By adding a homemade cape to any old bridesmaid dress, and a big crown (you can alter a crown from Burger King). Do not forger to make yourself a scepter.

4. Evil stepsister:
If you are a guy with access to an old bridesmaid dress, you can dress up as one of Cinderella’s evil stepsisters. Do not bother shaving, or trying to wear women’s shoes. You would not want to look too good!

5. A Good Witch: Any light colored satin gown and magic want with a glittery tiara or white witch’s hat will transform you into a good witch.

6. Run away bride: On the rare occasion that your bride’s maid dress is white or close to it, you can dress up as a runaway bride. Wear your best sneakers, get a cheap veil, and pin the front of the dress up high enough to get a good view of your running shoes.

7. Little girl: If your dress is extra frilly, go the extra mile and add a big sash with a huge bow in back for an instant little girl in a party dress look. Add a bow to your head and get a big swirl lollipop to carry with you.

8. Always a bridesmaid: No time to be creative? Do the obvious, and be a bridesmaid one more time. You can get a beat up floral bouquet and pretend you caught it. If you are going to a Halloween Costume Party with a long time boyfriend, this would be a good opportunity to drop playful hints.

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