Using Varnish for Table Restoration

An old wooden table lies in the corner scratched up. Seeing that the table has had the last of its days, the owner carries it quickly sends it to its death by trashing it. If the table is not broken, it does not have to be trashed. Simple methods such as touching up the table and applying appliqu�©s can make the table look new. Throwing out a table with a few flaws throws out a possibility of getting a not only great but an also original table.

1. Buff the table. If you have many scratches on your table, the first thing you need to do is buff out your table. Buffing out your table will leave it smooth. The scratches that were once on your piece of furniture should no longer be visible. Deep gashes in the table will still be visible, but the next step will cover those.

2. Fill gash wholes. If your table contains gashes, fill them with a putty substance. The gash can be filled with putty, tack, or Spackle. After the gash is filled, level the substance that you used to fill the gash. This step is very important. If you do not level the substance, it will look like a bump after the product is finished.

3. Apply varnish. Making sure that your table is cleaned from sawdust and smooth, you are ready to pick your varnish. Varnishes come in different colors. Make sure you pick the right color for your table. Apply the varnish. Once the varnish is applied, wait for it to dry. To make sure the varnish is dry, you should probably wait a day.

4. Apply a sealant. This is an optional step. Some varnishes already come with a sealant. A sealant is a finishing product that protects the wood and leaves it with a shiny appearance. If you do choose to use a sealant, pick a sealant to use. All of the sealants are basically the same; they are all made with polyutherane. Apply the sealant and wait until the wood dries completely.

5. Apply appliqu�©s. Your table should now look new. Now you can choose whether you want to use appliqu�©s. Appliqu�©s can give your table a more original look. There are many types of appliqu�©s to use. There are appliqu�©s that you can iron on (I would not recommend these for the use of tables). There are stick-on appliqu�©s. There are rub-on appliqu�©s. I would recommend the rub-on appliqu�©s; they work the best on wood. Using the appliqu�©s, you can create you own design on the table.

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