Using the Law to Recover as a Victim of a Scam or Fraud

For Those Who Have Been Scammed
For all of those who have been scammed by another human being, and have been financially and emotionally devastated, this information is for you. We can all think back on what we should have done, or probably not done, in order to prevent being scammed by a crook, but thinking of the unchangeable past is useless. It’s a waste of time to think back on things that cannot be changed and beat yourself up over and over in the process.
Most people who are scammed by a crook are kind people, not stupid people. Fraud victims are usually very giving, and they try to see the good in everyone. They can’t imagine that someone would take advantage of them and hurt them emotionally or financially, especially if they thought that person was a friend. People who are scammed want to believe if they are kind and honest toward others, that kindness and honesty will be returned – until they are taken to the cleaners and their trust in others is completely shattered.
Those who have been scammed feel like fools. They feel stupid for not seeing through the lies and empty promises. If you are one of these people, trust me, you are not at all stupid. People who live their lives scamming others are pros at what they do. They may be as dumb as a box of rocks, but they know how to use the law to their advantage, and they have learned how to systematically take advantage of others.
It is likely the crook has scammed and taken advantage of many people. Realizing that of course doesn’t change anything, but beating yourself up won’t change anything either. You are not stupid, and you are not a fool. Chances are you are a good person who happened to be in the wrong place at an opportune time. An opportunist saw his or her chance, and took advantage of a really good person – an intelligent, kind person.
Don’t Pass Judgement
I used to be one of those people who wondered how someone could be taken for thousands of dollars. How could they be that stupid? Believe me. It can happen to anyone. I was ripped off by a crooked construction contractor, and I understand fully how it can happen.
What I don’t understand is how crooks are able to bypass laws therefore enabling innocent people to be legally ripped off. Contracts and judgements are often worthless. They are often not worth any more than the paper they’re typed on, and those who write those contracts and judgements often know full-well those documents are worthless. I’m referring to the lawyers.
Lawyers and Liars
I hired a liar, or should I say a lawyer, to represent me in my case against the crooked contractor. I believed she would do her best and recover the compensation I deserved. Again, I put my trust in a stranger in the hopes that justice would prevail. In the back of my mind I knew the crook would probably get away with his dirty deeds, but I still hoped the law would work for me.
After winning a judgement in the amount of $13,100, The judgement against the crooked contractor is probably useless. The crooked contractor filed bankruptcy, and now the lawyer that had once sounded so positive about my case now has changed her tune. She has conveniently forgotten many things she said that made me feel like pressing on with the case. Besides being ripped off by a crooked contractor, I have now been ripped off by the false confidence and promises of a lawyer I put faith in.
Positive Thoughts for Victims
Victims of fraud unable to gain justice are not really the losers. I believe that everything that happens in life does in fact happen for a reason – everything bad as well as everything good. Some life lessons are hard ones, and it is often difficult to see what can be gained by injustice.
It may seem that those who make a living scamming others can get away with just about anything. They may get away with cheating people temporarily, but their dishonest way of life will finally catch up with them. The perpetrator of fraud is really the loser. Although you may have been taken and feel like no one is on your side, the fact is, you are the winner.
I happened to see the person who ripped me off in a grocery store. I was in the check out line, and he was entering the building. We made eye contact, and the crook quickly looked away as his face grew progressively redder. He walked increasingly faster in order to avoid a confrontation. My eyes followed him the entire time, never changing my expression, and not feeling one ounce of fear. The fact was, I did nothing wrong, and I had no reason to feel fear or look away. The crook on the other hand, cannot go anywhere in public and not risk running into someone he cheated. He literally ran away with his tail between his legs in that grocery store. The man had abandoned several other construction jobs, and now he must live in dread the rest of his life. He cannot look anyone in the eye for fear he will make eye contact with someone he cheated. He is a big loser.
No matter what, I will always have more than the man who took advantage of me. I may have been a victim of fraud, but I will not remain a victim. I can go anywhere and hold my head up high. Everything I have I worked for. I can be proud of all I have, especially my friends and my family. I have heard through the grapevine that the man who took advantage of me has no one. Everyone he ever befriended was victimized and thrown away. Even his own kids don’t trust him.
I was passing a church on my way home from that grocery store. The church had a message on their billboard. It said, “Don’t hate me, pray for me.” I thought of the man who cheated me, and I wondered if he would think of himself if he happened to also see that sign. I have to admit, I truly do hate that man, but I can’t let my hate for him ruin my disposition and attitude toward others. I am more cautious now, but I am still the kind person I have always been. That man will never take that away from me.
A Final Word for Fraud Victims
Those who are victims of fraud need to do all they can within the law to recover the loss. If you have tried all avenues to gain restitution and fail, you can be satisfied knowing you tried everything in your power. What goes around really does come around. The person who cheated you will more than likely become a victim of their own greed. You will go on knowing you did nothing wrong, and eventually you will find peace within yourself.