Vacationing in Gettysburg

Because Gettysburg, PA served as a major battleground during the American Civil War, it may seem odd to seek it out as a vacation site. Vacationing in Gettysburg, PA means taking your family or friends not just to another place but also truly to another time. The location of Gettysburg PA means proximity not just to the Gettysburg battlefield site but also to several other major tourist attractions. If you choose to go vacationing in Gettysburg take time to visit and enjoy some or all of these area sites.

Gettysburg National Military Park On July 1,2 and 3 of 1863 the forces of the South under the leadership of General Robert E. Lee experienced a headlong collision with the Union forces guided by Gen George Meade. In three days some 51,000 Americans of the North and the South, the Blue and the Gray, had been killed, wounded or reported missing. The overall result in terms of casualties may on the face of it seem to be a draw with so many lives on both sides being lost in this bloody confrontation. But in retrospect, Gettysburg seems to mark the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. Even though they would fight on into 1865, never again would the Confederate troops advance any further North than Gett ysburg. Slowly the Northern troops would sweep through the Southland until the same General Lee who had orchestrated the campaign at Gettysburg would be compelled to surrender to General U. S. Grant at the small town of Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia.

Keeping this history squarely in mind, vacationers to Gettysburg , PA have the opportunity to relive the minutes, hours and days of the historic Battle of Gettysburg and travel the exact ground where this national drama and tragedy was played out. Some who are vacationing in Gettysburg prefer to simply drive on their own through the battlefield, stopping frequently to read monuments or markers or to experience a particular view up close and personal. Some visitors to Gettysburg want a bit more direction and information and sign on for the self guiding auto tour. This tape series provides background information as you take your own car and pass along 18 miles and experience sites like the peach orchard, the wheatfield, the copt of trees and Devil’s Den. This method of touring allows visitors to maintain their privacy and pace while being fully informed of what is on the horizon.

A third option is to take part in a scheduled tour of select locations in the park conducted by resident Gettysburg historians. Finally for the adventurous, Gettysburg offers the chance to appreciate a trail ride which takes the group over land once contested for by the boys of the blue and the gray. Many vacationers who travel to Gettysburg spend several days on location and take advantage of each and every way of approaching the battlefield. Others amplify their understanding of the conflict by spending time at the Visitor’s Center reviewing the exhibits found at the Gettysburg Museum of the Civil War and pausing over the 750 ft electric map that clearly displays troop movements in and around Gettysburg.

For those vacationing in Gettysburg there is more to see than just the park. Also in Gettysburg is the Evergreen Cemetery which is the site of President Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address. Lincoln predicted that the 272 words he spoke at this site would not be long remembered. He was wrong for the address is now known and recited by school children and quoted by adults every day of the year. Many visitors also enjoy simply walking the streets of the town of Gettysburg and imagining how troops moved about in the town before, during or after the battle. Many parts of the town have been maintained and give tourists a real feel for life as it was in the early 1860’s in Gettysburg, PA.

The Eisenhower Farm The Gettysburg Battlefield and environs can keep many vacationers busy for days but don’t overlook the opportunity to enjoy a window into the mid twentieth century by visiting the nearby Eisenhower Farm, Located in Gettysburg, PA the farm can be most easily reached via shuttle bus leaving from the Gettysburg Visitor Center. The 109 acre farm at one time belonged to America’s 34th president, Dwight D. Eisenhower and his wife Mamie. Eisenhower was also known for his military record which included his position as Allied Commander of troops in the European theater of World War II. Both as military commander and as two term President of the United States Eisenhower was a man well loved by the people and admired for his simple ways. His farm in Gettysburg perhaps portrayed perfectly the type of life Eisenhower really enjoyed. During his days at the farm, he and his wife often entertained both American and foreign dignitaries in simplicity and grace. The farm can be viewed in much the same condition that it was during Eisenhower’s lifetime.

Hershey Park Even the most serious history lover will be willing to interrupt vacationing in Gettysburg for a side trip to nearby Hershey Park. What is most surprising about Hershey Park in Hershey, PA is that it is far more than an amusement park. In fact it is a many faceted resort that can meet the recreational and entertainment needs of all age groups. At Hershey Park all visitors can enjoy the visit to Chocolate World and its magical Chocolate Making tour ride. If chocolate is one of your favorite treats, experiencing how that sweet goodness makes it s way to you at your neighborhood store is an adventure you will won’t want to miss.

When you go to Hershey Park you can also chose to spend time at ZooAmerica where there are more than 200 animals to see and enjoy in an 11 acre walk through zoo. If you love flowers and gardening you might prefer to spend your time at Hershey Gardens botanical garden where displays of seasonal flowers will leave you smiling . You might decide to catch a show at the Hershey Theatre which features live entertainment with big name talent. Or what about the Hershey Antique Auto Museum. Want to catch your breath and refuel, you’ll find plenty of shops and eateries to meet your needs.

If there are children vacationing with you or adults who are kids at heart then of course you will spend the bulk of your visit at Hershey Park. Preparing to celebrate its 100th birthday in 2007, Hershey Park offers a total of some 60 rides. About 20 of these rides are designated as kiddy rides. There are 10 roller coaster style attractions and 6 water rides that are very popular during the summer months. Perhaps the most unique ride is called the”Roller Soaker” . This roller coaster style ride adds a water feature to its twists and turns. Patrons riding on the “Roller Soaker” get to deposit water on those below, who in turn are using high powered squirt guns to drench the riders. This is interactive amusement at its best.

After a full day at Hershey Park you will be glad to take a relatively short drive back to where you are vacationing in Gettysburg.

Washington, DC Vacationing in Gettysburg, PA locates tourists strategically within striking range of the nation’s capital. You can easily break up your week at Gettysburg at any time with an auto excursion to Washington D. C. A full day’s adventure can take you to the National Zoo, the Smithsonian, the Capitol Building, the White House, the National Cathedral, the Monuments, the Archives, the National Museum and that’s just the start of a very long list of possible stops. Depending on how many trips you may already have made to Washington you can sort out the kind of attractions you might want to see. Most Americans have very personal feelings about Washington, D. C. and everyone has there own spot within the city that has a special meaning just for them. Vacationing in Gettysburg, PA means you have given yourself an extra opportunity to spend another fondly remembered day or afternoon in our national capital.

Gettysburg then is a great place to go vacationing for what it was, for what it remains and for what it’s near.

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