Values: What is Important to Me

There are a lot of things that I value, but most importantly, I value my family. My family is the one constant figure in my life. I know that if there is anything that I need, my family will be there to give it to me. My family has been there for me through the good times and the bad times of my life, and I have come to appreciate what having a family is worth. I
look at how some people in the world grow up without a family to turn to in their time of need, and I feel sorry for them because I just couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without my family. I have five sisters and two brothers and going away to college was bad enough because I wasn’t going to be able to see them as often. So, I just imagine how hard it
would be if I lost them. My mom is a single mom, so I never really had a father in my life, but my mom was a good enough parent that I didn’t even need a father to be there for me. My mom has taught me everything I know, including the value of family relationships. She has taught me that if there was anyone that I could depend on more than anything, it would be my
Since I was a little girl, my mom has taught me to treat others the way I would want to be treated. I have come to realize that that was a good lesson to learn because these days people could be so cruel to others. I think that if everyone treated everyone the way they themselves would want to be treated, then there would be a lot less violence, hate, and
oppression in this world. My mother taught me to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. She has taught me to respect others and their property and to obey the law. I value my morals because I feel that they can be very useful
and can help me to succeed in life and make me a better person. I choose to live by these morals because I feel that I can’t do anything except benefit from them. For instance, I choose not to drink or do drugs. Not only will not drinking or doing drugs keep me from getting sick with cancer or a liver disease, but it will also lessen my chance of getting into an accident and injuring myself or someone else in the process.
Another thing that I value is my education. I feel that getting a good education can set the foundation for a very successful future. Not only will I be able to have a great career, but I will also be able to educate others with the knowledge that I have acquired. I’ve always wondered why so many people don’t go to college when they can afford it, but just choose not to go. Well, I think that it’s because college is tough. It takes a lot of focus, dedication, and hard work. I also know that when
you have classes starting at 4 or 5 in the morning, plus you have to go to work, by the end of the day, you’re going to feel drained or worn out. The body can only take so much! But, I’ve come to realize that if you choose your schedule just right, you could make it work and possibly catch a nap here or there.
Another thing I value is friendship. Being at college, away from your family and everything that is familiar to me, I’ve come to realize that without my friends, I might possibly go crazy. I’d get lonely being this far from home and not having anyone to talk to or hang out with. I know that if a person doesn’t socialize with others, then that messes up the balance that exists between the three parts of health: mental health, physical health and social health. These three parts are supposed to be balance out in order to truly be healthy and without a social life, that tips the balance and the other parts have to work harder to balance out
the system.
This might seem a little absurd, but I also value technology. You see, computers are my best friend. Not a day goes by when I don’t do something, anything, on a computer. Whether it is checking email, writing a report, playing a game, or watching a movie, I’m using a computer. That’s not to say that I couldn’t live without one, if I wanted to. I don’t want to. Life is a lot simpler with technology. I know, that’s laziness talking, but so what? Technology has changed the way we do almost everything. Some things we can’t even remember how to do without technology. Some people may think that technology has ruined the world, but I think that it has made it much better. Where would we be without
it? Lost.
One more thing that I value is buildings, specifically homes. I don’t know what its like to be homeless. I’ve always had a roof over my head and I thank God for it. But, there are a lot of people who are not so lucky. Some people are living out of their cars or in alleys. I know that it’s not enough to just feel sorry them, but that’s how I feel. I want to be able to help although deep down I know that I can’t help everyone. But I also know that if I help just one person, then that’s a start. Which
leads me to the fact that I’m majoring in Social Work so that I can help people.
My values all help me to succeed in life, whether it be my family or technology. I think that everyone has something that is important to them and these things just so happen to be what is important to me. I benefit from each and every one of these things, so I don’t plan on changing any one of them, at least not anytime soon.