Video Games: A Buyers Guide to Ratings and a Cheap Purchase

Video games are a part of our modern culture that are not going away any time soon. Whether you’re an old pro, a beginner, or a parent looking to buy a video game for their child, everyone can benefit from following a few simple rules when making a video game purchase. With the cost of most newly released games at $50 or more who cannot afford to waste money on a substandard or inappropriate game?

This first rule is the most difficult of all: Never buy a game when it’s first released. Yes this is easier said than done, since you may have been waiting months or longer for the release of that special game. The cost of most new games are $50-$60. After a game has been on the market for about a month or two, the price drops by about $10. After three or four months the price dips even lower, about $20 or $30 dollars lower. It is clear too see how the savings could add up. It may seem not worth it to some people to wait 3 months just to save $20 but think about it: How many video games do you buy a year? Let’s assume you purchase 12 games a year- that’s one every month. At the release price of $50 each, that would be a total of $600 spent in a year. Now assume that you waited the extra 3 months and purchased the games at $30 a game. That would come to $360 a year spent, That is nearly half!

Now if you must have that game right now, Shop around before buying. As tempting as it may be to snatch up the first game that you see – control the urge. Go to different stores web pages and see where is the best price. Also check the local ads in you paper to see if anyone is have any sales.

Now that you have made sure that you have gotten a good deal you have to be sure that you are getting a good game. So you have seen that catchy ad on t.v. but is it really that great? There are a few easy ways to tell. First go to any search engine a run a search on the name of the video game. You will have access in this way to not find only the official web page of the game – this you should always check out before making a purchase – but if the game has already been released you will find reviews of the game. Find out what other gamers thought but as always, take others opinion’s with a grain of salt. Your opinion is the most valuable and you have the final say on whetherr you want to purchase the game or not.

Another much looked over point is the games rating. Much like the movies have ratings, so do video games. The ESRB, The Entertainment Software Rating Board, Has developed a system of accessing games and giving them appropriate ratings. These Ratings range from EC (early childhood) on up to AO (adult only). Also along with ratings come a description of the content in the game that some might find offensive. Especially for a parent theses ratings are an invaluable source on information when choosing an appropriate game for a child.

If you follow these simple guidelines you can insure that your video game purchase will the a positive experience.

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