Vin Diesel: Past, Present, and Hopefully Future

Vin Diesel, born Mark Vincent, was born on July 18 1967 in New York, New York. He was raised in Greenwich Village, in a neighborhood of artists. His initial step in performing arts was at the age of seven, when he and some friends broke into a theater. A woman appeared on stage and offered them a script and 20.00, the only stipulation was that they return everyday after school and knew their lines. Return he did everyday and thus began the love of acting. Before the big screen, Vin took interest in extreme sports, and bodybuilding, which led to jobs as a bouncer (where he chose to become Vin Diesel), at some of New York’s clubs.

In the beginning, Vin had his hands in his own projects. He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in the Indie short “Multi-Facial.” This film was made on a 3000.00 budget, and filmed in three days. His role was as a multi-ethnic actor who is neither suitable for black nor white roles. He tried using a different ethnicity for every role and still failed. This short eventually caught the eye of none other than the great Steven Spielberg and led to the small part in the 1998 film “Saving Private Ryan.” “Multi-Facial” also led to his role of the monster in the animated film “The Iron Giant.” Vin also had a full feature film called “Strays,” which he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in. This movie led him to “Pitch Black.,” thus leading him on to bigger and better things. Not all things were easy; he was turned down for the movie “Flawless,” “Shaft,” and walked off the set of “Reindeer Games.”

The blockbuster “The Fast and the Furious” in 2001, which won best on screen team by the MTV Movie Awards, was his Big hit. This movie was a monster at the box office. I can remember leaving the Theater and watching all the people racing through the parking lot in their Tempo’s and Escort’s. The movie just made you want to get out there are drive as fast as you can. This put him in the big leagues; leading Vin to star in the movie XXX. Other movies include Boiler Room, Knock around Guys, The Chronicles of Riddick, and A Man Apart (in no order). With a change out came the movie the “Pacifier,” which was a change in his “normal” action roles. I think this movie showed that he has the ability to play any role. It is not every day we see a muscle bound, hard core, action star changing diapers and babysitting. I thought the movie could have been better but nothing could beat seeing Vin Diesel In a towel.

Vin has his own film production company, One Race Productions; he also founded Tigon Studios, which is a video game production company. Many people have different opinions about Vin Diesel, from a hot sexy star, to a has been because of too much exposure too quickly. I think we will see a lot more out of this star and I myself cannot wait.

“I live my life a quarter of a mile at a time, for those ten seconds or less I’m free, nothing else matters.” Dominic Toretto “The Fast and the Furious.”

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