Vintage Clothing Stores in Sacramento, California

Vintage clothing stores line the street of Sacramento, California. Vintage clothing stores in Sacramento, California are filled with one of a kind long forgotten clothing pieces that are sure to add flare to any wardrobe. Vintage clothing stores are a great source for gently used name brand articles of clothing that someone else has decided they don’t wear anymore Vintage clothing is a great outlet for anyone of any age to express his or her own personal style. Fun and quirky pieces can add style and flare to your existing wardrobe without breaking the bank. Everyone wants to be a personality. A great way to make you on hand wardrobe stand out from the masses is to shop for a few great finds at vintage clothing store. With each latest article of clothing everyone will be asking, “Where did you find that?” For those one of kind retro pieces visit one of these great local Sacramento, California vintage clothing stores.

Cheap Thrills Uncle Fred’s is a quirky, stylish, and fun second hand store full of great vintage finds. Piece are available at great prices, ranging form $5 to the $40 range. Their racks are full of items worth spending an afternoon digging for. Be sure to check the condition of all of your pieces before you purchase them. Cheap Thrills Uncle Fred’s is located at 1217 21st Street, Sacramento, California, 95814. You can buy, sell, or trade your own vintage clothing and gently used newer clothing, but you will need to call ahead and make an appointment at (916) 446-1366.

Crossroads Trading Company is a fabulous vintage clothing store full of one of a kind pieces from the 1940’s all the way to modern designer label duds. Crossroad’s Trading Company has a diverse clientele of customers ranging from those who dress to be noticed and those who dress not to be noticed. While you can definitely find a great flashy shirt to wear out on Friday night, don’t overlook their selection of work worthy garments. You can buy, sell, or trade your own vintage and designer clothing at Crossroads Trading Company. Be sure to call ahead and make an appointment if you are there to buy or trade. You can reach Crossroads Trading Company at (916) 972-9900 or visit them at 2935 Arden Way, Sacramento, California, 95825.

Zoot’s is a great local source in Sacramento to rent or buy that great period piece perfect for your next social gathering. Local playhouses definitely use them as a resource when outfitting their actors in period pieces ranging fro the early nineteen hundred all the way to the present day. Zoot’s is a little bit higher end than most vintage stores, but the price is well worth it. Authentic vintage duds are not cheap and quality is always worth the price. If you are on a budget though, don’t forget that they rent their clothing as well. Zoot’s is located at 1209 21st Street, Sacramento, California, 95814. You can reach them at (916) 498-9196.

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