Vinyl Tube Industrial Drawer Pulls

They allow you to create a school or art theme and give your art studio, child’s bedroom, garage workspace, or kitchen an eclectic and updated look at the same time.
You can find Vinyl Tubing in a variety of places. I always run into boxes of them at home improvement stores, craft stores, flea markets and yard sales Just be creative and have a little fun.
To Turn Vinyl Tubing Into Industrial Kitchen Drawer Pulls You Will Need;
Vinyl Tubing
Power Drill
Drill Bit
Nuts (optional)
Washers (optional)
1 Scrap 2X4 or piece of plywood
Duct Tape
Ok, so now that you found your Vinyl tubing the first thing you need to do it lay out your 2X4 or scrap plywood on a flat work surface. Now, I like to duct tap this scrap wood to the surface so it will not move. You could also have a friend hold it in place.
Now, this step is somewhat optional, but you will have to make the decision. You may need to cut your Vinyl tubing handles down to fit the size of a drawer pull. You may not have to. If you do, then you can mark where you need to cut them. Use and handsaw or jig saw to cu them down to size. I recommend sanding down the end of the Vinyl tubing handle if you have to cut it.
Now, once the Vinyl tubing is cut in to length then you need to tape it down to your scrap piece of wood. I like to run one strip of duct tape across the middle of the Vinyl tubing.
Do not cover the ends.
Now, use your power drill, with the drill bit, to drill a hole in each end of the Vinyl tubing. I like to make the hole about �½ inch in from the edged, but you can judge the best location on your own pieces.
Tip: If the new drawer pulls will be attaching to kitchen drawers with existing hardware holes, then try to match the holes you drill on your Vinyl tubing to that hole. It will make this project a lot easier for you.
Now, brush away any dust carefully with a clean cloth.
To install the Vinyl tubing on kitchen drawers that already have pre dilled hole you can use your screw to attach the left side of the Vinyl tubing. Simply attach the nut and washed run the back inside the drawer. Now, slowly line your Vinyl tubing up to match the other existing hole. Attach the screw, nut, and washer as before.
This is how you turn Vinyl tubing into a handle.
If there are no pre existing holes for drawer and cabinet hardware in your kitchen, then change out your drill bit for regular old drill bit and pre drill your holes to match your Vinyl tubing.
Tip: If you are worried about the resale of your home later, then you could pre drill these holes to match standard sized kitchen cabinet hardware sizes than are currently on the market. Then when the time comes to move you can take your Vinyl tubing kitchen cabinet pulls with you!
Tip: Try filling the middle of your Vinyl tubing industrial drawer pulls with fun materials like pea gravel or even beans!
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