Viola Flowers

Viola flowers, also known as Viola cornuta, are exceptionally beautiful annual flowers that look a lot like pansies, but the blooms of viola flowers are generally smaller, and viola flowers don’t have the characteristic dark centers that pansies have. Viola flowers have blooms that are available in solid colors, bicolor, and two shades of the same color including white with red, orange, peach, yellow, mauve, and blue. Viola flowers are definitely a fantastic choice for anyone who wants bright annual flowers in their yard or garden. Viola flowers grow in mounds that reach a maximum height of about eight inches, and viola flowers look very impressive when planted in groups.
Planting Viola Flowers
Viola flowers are best suited for hardiness zones three through nine, and they are extremely vigorous and easy to grow. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can successfully grow viola flowers.
Before planting viola flowers, choose a well-draining location that receives full or partial sun, and enrich the soil with compost or other organic material. Work out any clumps, and remove rocks and other debris prior to planting your viola flowers or seeds.
Viola flowers grow well in containers and pots, and viola flowers look beautiful when placed on a deck, porch, patio, or balcony. Viola flowers are also beautiful when planted in hanging baskets. Consider growing viola flowers if you live in an apartment or if you have limited yard space. No matter where you live, viola flowers are sure to capture attention with their beauty and exquisite charm.
When starting viola flowers from seed, those residing in warmer climates should sew viola flower seeds outdoors between late summer and late fall. In cooler climates, viola seeds may be sewn outdoors in spring. When voila flowers reach an approximate height of two inches, they should be spaced so they are between six and eight inches apart.
Caring for Viola Flowers
After viola flowers are planted and well-established, water them on a weekly basis. Water your viola flowers more often if conditions become hot, dry, or windy. In addition to watering your viola flowers, once every two weeks apply water-soluble plant food according to product label instructions. Regular feedings will help viola flowers produce vigorous healthy blooms.
Deadhead the blooms of viola flowers so they will continue producing flowers. Once your viola flowers have stopped producing blooms, or if your viola flowers become unattractive toward the end of the season, it’s time to dig them up and remove them from your yard, garden, or containers.
Uses for Viola Flowers
Viola flowers are long-lasting cut flowers, and viola flowers make exceptionally beautiful bouquets. Viola flowers can also be placed in float bowls to create lovely centerpieces, and the blooms of the viola flower retain their vivid colors when pressed.
Consider planting viola flowers if you want annual flowers that will look lovely in your yard or garden. Viola flowers are fantastic annuals if you want versatile flowers that will turn heads and make a dramatic statement in your yard or garden.