Virginia Bar Exam: A Basic Guide

The Virginia Bar Exam has a unique format. In addition to the Multistate Bar Exam and essay questions, the Virginia Bar Exam also includes a short answer section. This is a very unique element, as most states only use the MBE and an essay section. To prepare for the Virginia Bar Exam it is important to first review topics that will be on the exam. This article provides these topics, however, it is also a good idea to visit the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners’ website for updates and changes to the Virginia Bar Exam venue. In addition to using this article for an outline of what to study, you can also use it as a reference for testing qualifications, contact information for requesting registration materials, and as a reference for where to find free study materials.


To qualify for the Virginia Bar Exam you only need to meet a few requirements. The first qualification is that the candidate has a law degree from an ABA approved law school. The second qualification is that the candidate be of good moral character. To meet this requirement you will need to undergo a criminal and financial background check. The final qualification is that the candidate takes the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam, and passes it with a score of at least 85 points.


To register to sit for the Virginia Bar Exam you will need to download, print out, complete, and submit an application package. These can be found on the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners’ website.

Virginia Board of Bar Examiners
Shockhoe Center, Suite 225
11 South 12th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 786-7490 local phone number


The Virginia Bar Exam is a two day event that is given during the last week of February and during the last week of July. On the first day of the exam you will be given nine essay questions and twenty short answer questions. On the second day of the Virginia Bar Exam you will take the Multistate Bar Exam. This exam is made up of 200 multiple choice questions that cover general legal issues. In order to pass the Virginia Bar Exam you will need a minimum composite score of 140 points.


To prepare for the Virginia Bar Exam Essay you should review the following topics:

1. Business Organizations
2. Employment Discrimination as outlined in Title VII, ADA, and ADEA
3. Professional Responsibilities
4. Federal and Virginia Civil Procedure
5. Federal and Virginia Criminal Procedure
6. Real Property
7. Criminal Law
8. Family Law
9. Torts
10. Wills, Trusts, and Estates
11. Conflicts of Laws
12. Federal and Virginia Constitutional Law
13. Contracts
14. Federal Income Taxes (Personal Only)
15. Uniform Commercial Code (Article II – Sales only)

For a study materials please check out the following links:

1. Virginia Legal Code located at
2. Uniform Commercial Code located at
3. You can request sample MEE essay questions by writing to: National Conference of Bar Examiners, 402 West Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703-3614

To prepare for the Virginia Bar Exam you will also need to study for the Multistate Bar Exam. This exam will be made up of 200 multiple choice questions that cover the following topics as they are generally applied throughout the United States of America:

1. Constitutional Law
2. Contracts and Sales
3. Criminal Law and Procedures
4. Evidence
5. Real Property
6. Torts

If you would like a study guide for this section you can visit the NCBE website at

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